As we close yet another week in our battle against the coronavirus, we continue to see America’s resilience in the midst of such difficult trials. While the President continues to work tirelessly to defeat this deadly virus, brave Americans across this great nation continue to answer the call to do their part.
This week, governors from 12 states including Georgia, Oklahoma and Florida have made plans to reopen their state economies and to get people back to work as soon as possible, despite the apprehension of other state governors.
We applaud Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for making the decision to end the suffering of their state residents who have been either out of a job or unable to keep their businesses open.
We hope other state governors will follow suit and begin reopening their economies soon.
Together, we will defeat this virus and all of the havoc it has wreaked.
Many Americans have been impacted by the forced shutdown of our communities in response to the Covid-19 coronavirus....
The facts are clear: it's time to reopen America!
Over 26 million hard-working Americans are unemployed, with that number growing every hour. Businesses are unable to pay their bills, and face the risk of going out of business.
Why? Because they have been deemed “non-essential,” when that couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is every job that employs an American worker is essential to that worker and his or her family.
While keeping Americans safe is a top priority, there is nothing “safe” about unemployment. Calls to suicide hotlines go up, mental health problems arise, domestic abuse rises, and emotional depression increases. Forcing businesses to close and keeping Americans on lockdown like prisoners in their own homes, and chipping away at their rights are actions that go too far and jeopardize people more than intended.
States must begin safely opening their communities and allowing people back to work in a responsible manner.
With the coronavirus sharpening attention on the U.S.-China relationship, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today:...
Another day, another article about how grassroots protests that are pro-freedom may or may not be “astroturf.” Just as in 2009, the national media and the left insist on bringing up the possibility or flat out accusing grassroots conservatives of being tools of “billionaires” and big groups.
Check out this USA Today article that quotes Jenny Beth and a fantastic tea party leader from Indiana, Robert Hall, about how these protests around the country are indeed led by the grassroots: Madison Elmer got the offer shortly after she and some friends started organizing a protest to oppose Wisconsin's coronavirus stay-at-home order: An outside group wanted to chip in some money to help pay for the rally she plans this week....
We are excited to announce that this week we have officially launched the Great American Reopening coalition, which will encompass a number of projects aimed at revitalizing and rebuilding America. One such project is Save Our Country.
Jenny Beth Martin has joined other great leaders in this fight such as economists Steve Moore and Dr. Arthur Laffer, FreedomWorks Action’s Adam Brandon, attorney Cleta Mitchell, ALEC's Lisa Nelson, and Media Research Center's Brent Bozell and we are confident that we can help the President reopen our great nation.
If you want to be a part of getting this country back on track, sign up today.
As we continue to work towards reopening our great nation, we want the President to know that we stand with him in taking this VITAL step forward for the American people.
Read more about the Washington Post’s coverage of our work: Senior White House officials briefed President Trump on Monday about his looming decision regarding how to eventually jump-start the economy, presenting him with a list of 100 business executives that could serve in an advisory panel....
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