Fellow Conservative,

July was one of the most consequential political months in modern memory.

From the attempted assassination of President Trump, to flag burning near the Capitol, and a sitting president withdrawing from the ticket... there is a clear and stark contrast in the upcoming election. 

Chip has been busy exposing and fighting the radical left's destruction in both Washington and Texas. 

Read more about Chip's recent work, including an update on the SAVE Act and more below!

1.  SAVE Act Update: Chip and Lee Fight to Stop Illegals from Voting

Chip’s bill the SAVE Act, PASSED the House on July 10th: 221 to 198 (with 5 Democrat YEAS). Senate Democrats are doing everything they can to block passage of the SAVE Act. It's simple, if you aren't an American citizen, you shouldn't get to vote in our elections.

Democrats don't want the SAVE Act because they know which party these illegal votes favor. Mike Lee is fighting for the SAVE Act in the Senate and Chip will fight to make sure it is included as part of September's Continuing Resolution. 

Read more here.
2. Chip Tells Breitbart "Kamala Harris Can Run But She Can’t Hide" From Border Crisis
Kamala Harris's failure to address the border crisis is undeniable. Earlier this week, Chip sat down for an interview with Breitbart where he emphasized her role in this ongoing disaster.

You can read the full interview here.
3. 📣 Chip Guest Hosts "War Room"
Chip was honored to guest host Steve Bannon's "War Room" on Wednesday. Chip spoke about the ongoing border crisis, the SAVE Act and the weaponization of the federal government against the American people.

You can watch here.
4. 📣 Chip Energizes Youth at Young Americans for Freedom
Chip spoke to the next generation of conservative leaders at a recent conference for the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). President Reagan said that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction, and we must work to preserve it.

Watch some highlights here.
5. Some Other Highlights...
  • Chip's Team Works to Keep Texas Red
    • We are helping Cruz, Trump, and congressional allies to secure the majorities needed to pass critical legislation and win local races to keep our legislature.
  • Chip on FBI Director’s Testimony on the Attempted Trump Assassination
    • What on earth does the FBI actually do besides putting a 75-year-old grandmother in prison? The FBI Director’s testimony on the Trump shooting was alarming, highlighting the incompetence and negligence within the bureau. Watch the segment.
Oh, here's a "fun" fact for the weekend—our national debt just passed 35 TRILLION dollars.

This is only a snippet of Chip's highlights from the past month. Be sure to follow Chip's X account and Facebook page for the most up-to-date news.

Just know this — nobody is fighting harder for you in Washington than Chip Roy.

For America,

Team Chip
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