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Incredible Progress

President Donald Trump took to the national stage on Wednesday to highlight the great work Hoosiers have accomplished together so far in our work to combat the coronavirus. When talking about Indiana, he said, "It's incredible what they're doing."

When I heard him say that, I knew those kind words were truly a credit to Hoosier Republicans like you. That's because so many of you are going above and beyond in your communities to help our friends, family, and neighbors through this pandemic. Governor Eric Holcomb highlights these stories almost daily in his press conferences.

Here's two incredible stories of progress from Governor Holcomb this week: 

  • We’re seeing an increase in COVID-19 testing in Indiana per capita, with 999 tests per 100,000 Hoosiers, putting Indiana on pace with our Midwestern neighbors.
  • That’s while business associations this week provided their feedback on changes they can make to promote sanitation and social distancing during a phased reopening of our state’s economy.

And we're also seeing more incredible progress as we move closer to Indiana's June 2 primary. Our local election officials and candidates are hard at work – both with election administration and campaigning. We've got a new Indiana Republican Election Resource page live with information on new election dates and updates, and I encourage you to check it out.

President Trump is right. Indiana is making incredible progress! We’re in this together. And together, I know we can keep it going as we begin to see light at the end of this tunnel.

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Indiana: On the Road to Reopening

 Governor Holcomb continues to take action to lead our state during this challenging time.

Even though we are still hunkered down until May 1st, Governor Holcomb and our state officials have taken steps to begin reopening our economy, with Indiana taking some of the early steps this week! Hospitals throughout the state started conducting more non-COVID-19 related procedures, and next week, they’ll be cleared to start conducting more elective procedures.

Governor Holcomb also announced a new partnership between the Indiana State Department of Health and the Fairbanks School of Public Health to measure the spread of COVID-19 throughout the state. Indiana is one of the first states to conduct a study like this, which gives us a head-start as we continue to make data-driven decisions in our response to this pandemic. For more information, watch the video of this announcement here.

Meanwhile, new resources are coming online to help Hoosiers and communities –

  • For Hoosiers who need help paying their rent or mortgage, check out this resource guide and help available through Indiana’s Hardest Hit Fund -
  • Thirteen rural Indiana communities are receiving $1.96 million in federal funding to assist with their local COVID-19 response (with more communities to be announced soon.). Check out the list of Indiana communities here.
  • Governor Holcomb signed a new executive order to expedite the review of unemployment insurance claims. The order also waives paper requirements to help Hoosier businesses apply for federal assistance. Review the executive order here
To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Thank you to every Hoosier who is doing his or her part to stop the spread of the coronavirus and flatten the curve. We're #INThisTogether!
Primary Election Resources
You've probably heard that Indiana's 2020 primary election date has been moved to June 2. But are you aware of all the other important election dates between now and then?

Important deadlines approaching: 
  • May 4: Deadline to register to vote
  • May 8: A candidate’s committee must file a pre-primary campaign finance report no later than noon
  • May 21: Deadline to request an absentee ballot
There’s also an option available for all Hoosiers to vote either absentee by-mail, early, or on Primary Day. To learn more about these dates (and more!) and these voting options, we have a new Indiana Republican Election Resource Page available:
Congress Passes Additional COVID-19 Relief
This week, Congress and President Donald Trump took action to provide additional needed coronavirus relief. This relief package includes renewed funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, hospitals, and expanded testing.

The relief package includes:
  • $310 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program.
  • $50 billion for Economic Injury Disaster Loans.
  • $10 billion for Economic Injury Disaster Loan advance grants.
  • $75 billion for hospitals.
  • $25 billion for testing.
  • Clarification allowing farmers with under 500 employees to seek Economic Injury Disaster Loans.
For more information, check out detail about this new funding from Senator Todd Young here.

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb announces study to better understand COVID-19 impact
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch discusses the pandemic in Southern Indiana
Senator Todd Young speaks to Hoosiers about latest relief package
Senator Mike Braun discusses $480 billion package to help small businesses and hospitals   
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski introduced Medical Supplies for Pandemics Act of 2020
Congressman Jim Banks listens to first responders' concerns about COVID-19
Congressman Jim Baird says we can overcome this
Congresswoman Susan Brooks proposes solution to stocking nation's PPE stockpile
Congressman Greg Pence will be in D.C. to vote and serve Hoosiers
Congressman Larry Bucshon discusses avoiding coronavirus scams
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth offers COVID-19 resources for veterans

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