Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog details last week's CHN Human Needs Hero gala, during which we honored hero Ellen Nissenbaum of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. We also urged the Senate to pass an expanded Child Tax Credit. Finally, we released CHN's latest Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship, which this week examines the Senate Appropriations Committee's final mark-up activities (well -- almost), and compared their work to what is happening in the House. Meanwhile, if you know of colleagues, friends, family members or others who you think should subscribe to the weekly Voices blog summary, please encourage them to do so here.
This week on the blog...
CHN hosts Human Needs Hero gala, honors CBPP's Ellen Nissenbaum
July 30
Hundreds of advocates crowded into a standing-room-only event at the AFL-CIO headquarters last week as the Coalition on Human Needs celebrated its annual Human Needs Hero gala by honoring one of the movement’s foremost leaders on budget, tax, and related battles. READ MORE »
CHN urges Senate passage of bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act
July 30
We urge the Senate to consider and ultimately pass this bipartisan tax package at the first opportunity because it includes important improvements to the Child Tax Credit (CTC). We see Thursday’s vote as a crucial step. You can act to provide needed help for 16 million children in families with low wages, or you can stand in the way of moving this help forward. READ MORE »
CHN's latest Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship
August 2
The compare and contrast edition. This week, the Senate Appropriations Committee all but completed marking up its 12 appropriations bills – it has one left to go (Homeland Security), which they plan to finish when members return after the August recess. House appropriators completed their 12 mark-ups last month, but their bills are going nowhere fast. READ MORE »
Coalition on Human Needs
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