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I am excited to share that I have held an in-person town hall in all 22 counties in Iowa's Second District since the beginning of this Congress!

Hearing directly from Iowans is my top priority. As I've traveled across our district and hosted in-person town halls, the message I've heard from Iowans has been the same: folks are frustrated with open borders, rampant inflation, and policies that put America last.

I will continue to answer Iowans' questions honestly, hear feedback, and advocate for commonsense solutions amid the Washington, D.C. chaos. It is an honor to represent all Iowans and fight for our communities in Congress. Read on for more information on my work for Iowans this week.


Telephone Town Hall Poll Results

Thank you to everyone who joined my telephone town hall this week! During the town hall, I asked the audience to share their top policy priority. Border security is far and away Iowans' top priority right now. Check out the full results below!

Black Hawk County Town Hall Meeting

It was great to hear from Iowans at my town hall meeting in Black Hawk County this week! I provided an update on my work for Iowans and took questions on election integrity, ensuring China can’t buy US farmland, and supporting Iowa small businesses.

Dubuque County Town Hall Meeting

Thank you to everyone who joined my town hall meeting in Dubuque! We had a great discussion on my unwavering support for Israel, the importance of affordable housing access, and helping local businesses thrive.

The Bipartisan Intimate Privacy Protection Act

It has become too easy for bad actors to create and circulate inappropriate deepfake images online. As a mom, this really worries me. Our kids are growing up in a totally different time and we are in uncharted territory with the rise of social media. I believe Big Tech companies can, and should, do more to protect users and combat the spread of explicit deepfake images on their platforms.

I am proud to have introduced the bipartisan Intimate Privacy Protection Act with Rep. Auchincloss (MA-04) to require tech companies to take good-faith action against the dramatic rise in intimate privacy violations. This includes having a process in place to prevent cyberstalking and intimate privacy violations, an accessible way to report concerns, and a process to ensure the quick removal of deepfakes. I will continue to work across the aisle to ensure that we are protecting kids from dangers online and ensure Big Tech companies are doing their part to keep users, particularly minors, safe online.

IA-02 Congressional App Challenge

I'm excited to share that the Congressional App Challenge is now accepting submissions for Iowa’s Second District.

Engaging students in the STEM fields today will ensure we can solve the challenges of tomorrow. I encourage all middle and high school students who want to test out their STEM skills to submit their original app designs to showcase their talents. I am looking forward to seeing your innovation and highlighting the eventual winner!

Submission details can be found at hinson.house.gov/app.The submission deadline is 12:00 pm ET on October 24th, 2024.

Investments in IA-02: Securing Funding for Eastern Iowa Airport

The Eastern Iowa Airport in Cedar Rapids is a critical transportation hub for thousands of Iowans. I am proud to have secured $2,500,000 in community project funding to support the design of a centralized aircraft deicing facility and a snow removal equipment storage facility for the airport.

These critical improvements will reduce delays for travelers, improve aircraft safety, and mitigate environmental impacts. I will continue working to deliver federal investments in our communities!

Headline Highlights

Telegraph Herald: Hinson talks gridlock, Middle East conflict in Dubuque visit

KIWA Radio: Congresswomen Ashley Hinson offers legislation targeting China's trade violations

The Verge: Lawmakers want to carve out intimate AI deepfakes from Section 230 immunity

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