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Historic Coalition of Women’s and Civil Rights Groups File Amicus Brief to Stop Alabama COVID-19 Order to Severely Restrict and Criminalize Abortion

An historic coalition of women’s rights, civil rights, human rights, and reproductive justice groups filed an amicus brief in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals supporting the federal district court’s decision to prevent Alabama’s COVID-19 order from resulting in the denial of abortion access to the women of Alabama and the potential criminalization of abortion providers.


Nurses Protest Unsafe Working Conditions and Demand More PPE

Nurses across the country are protesting dangerous working conditions, a lack of personal protective equipment (PPE), and limited access to testing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses have reported being sent home for refusing to treat COVID-19 patients without sufficient PPE, being denied tests despite having COVID-19 symptoms, and being fired for publicly criticizing PPE shortages.


Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Urges People to Stay Home Despite Governor’s Mandate

Earlier this week, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp issued a statement that the state would reopen certain nonessential businesses beginning this Friday, April 24, including hair salons, gyms, bowling alleys, and tattoo parlors. Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has been vocal in urging those in Atlanta– and the state at large– to continue staying home despite the Governor’s decision to reopen businesses.


COVID-19 Job Losses Wipe out Insurance Access for Millions of Americans

As millions file for unemployment, many are now dealing with a pandemic-related ripple effect: a massive loss of employment-dependent health and dental insurance across America.


Women Are The Majority of America’s Essential Workforce

Nearly one in three jobs held by women are officially considered essential work, meaning women are the majority of those on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.


COVID-19 Affecting Decisions About Having Children

The current COVID-19 pandemic has provoked a shift in the decision making processes of those considering having children.


Millions of Low-Income Individuals Waiting for Relief Payments That May Never Arrive 

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced that more than 80 million Americans have received their COVID-19 relief payments via direct deposit. However, millions of people are still waiting, or may never receive their payments.


Texas Governor’s Executive Order Banning Abortion Expires

This week Texas’ Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s March 21 executive order expired. The order had been the object of weeks of legal debate over the classification of medication and procedural abortion as a ‘non-essential’ medical procedure during the COVID-19 crisis.

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