My blood is boiling. We are being humiliated at these Games. I thought I'd seen it all after the abhorrent blasphemous attacks against our faith at the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony. Look at what happened to our fellow Christians: Brazilian surfer Joao Chianca was targeted for being Christian. He was forced to remove a Christ the Redeemer image from his board. Then there's Raissa Leal, a young Catholic skater who won a bronze medal but was told she couldn’t thank Jesus Christ publicly! Undeterred, she signed "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life" in sign language. Can’t you see what they are doing? They are clearly trying to silence us! We were humiliated at the opening ceremony with a grotesque parody of the Last Supper. Now they continue to pick on us. It seems like anyone can perform and express freely except Christians. Our faith is under attack, and we cannot stand by silently. We cannot stand idle while our faith is mocked and disrespected. Will you join me in signing this urgent petition demanding an apology from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and ensuring they respect Christians at the Olympic Games? We will also send your petition to the Olympic Games sponsors to increase the amount of pressure on the IOC.
Thank you for all you do. Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Please share this petition with family, friends, and contacts to amplify our message. Let's stand together and show the world that our faith cannot be mocked! Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Our faith is being openly mocked at the Paris 2024 Olympics. The opening ceremony featured a grotesque parody, desecrating the Last Supper. We cannot stand idle while our beliefs are under attack. Sign now in demanding a real apology from the IOC and ensuring they respect Christians. SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
You and I have just been humiliated on the world stage! I am still raging! During the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony, our Christian faith was openly mocked in the most offensive way imaginable. As I watched this disgraceful act unfold, I couldn't bear to stay calm. Watching naked individuals, transgenders and drag queens desecrate something so holy as the Last Supper was abhorrent and sickening to watch. The insult to my faith is so profound, so cowardly and shameful, that I had a burning desire to do something about it! And I know you feel the same. That’s why I grabbed the computer and am writing this urgent email to you, right now. Enough is enough! This grotesque spectacle was an affront to everything you and I hold sacred, and it cannot go unchallenged. Whether you are a believer or not, this is an attack on the beliefs of millions of people around the world and another chapter in how decadence, offense, and bad taste represented by wokeism have taken over any noble event, such as the Olympic Games. So I am asking you today… … Are you going to do something about it? Or are you just going to stand idle and wait until they insult you again? I know you are as angry and hurt as I am. But the time to mobilize and join forces is NOW!
Will you help me NOW, by signing this urgent petition demanding an immediate apology from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Olympic Games sponsors?
All too often we stand by and do nothing while they step on us and mock our Christian faith. But after today, I’ve seriously had enough! What happens if we stay silent? Our faith, our Christian symbols, will become a permanent parody promoted by queer, LGBTI, and trans lobbies, backed by our globalist leaders and the radical left. Because if we don’t defend it, who will? Why have we grown desensitized to these abuses? You and I have a duty, to respond! And let’s not be fooled - this was a deliberate and vicious parody humiliating our most cherished beliefs as Christians - they know we are an easy target. And until you and I don’t stop them, they will keep doing it. This is about standing up for our faith but also, ensuring that such blatant profanity is never repeated. You cannot ever allow them to desecrate our Lord Jesus Christ, with such obscenities. If you and I remain silent, we are sending a message that such disrespect is acceptable.
So add your name today, to show the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Olympic Games sponsors that Christians around the world will not tolerate such an egregious insult. Demand a public apology immediately, before the Olympic Games end.
As if it wasn't enough, these sick perverts involved young children in this explicit spectacle. How depraved can they be? Why are they allowing the sexualization of children in such performances? A child was literally present alongside a naked man. This is deeply disturbing. Yesterday, one of the organizers issued a so-called “apology” saying: "Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. It tried to celebrate community tolerance”. Is this a joke!? Clearly, THERE WAS! Community tolerance? Where is the community tolerance for the millions of Christians? I refuse to take this pathetic excuse seriously. Their hollow words mean nothing. This was a blatant and orchestrated insult with the sole purpose of degrading Christianity. What's more, it is the IOC that must apologize, not the organizers of the parody. As the highest institution representing the Olympic Games, the IOC must send a loud and clear message that what happened during the opening ceremony was absolutely unacceptable, and apologize for allowing it. Our faith is being mocked and spat on at these Olympic games and it’s our final call to act.
We urgently demand a full, proper apology from the IOC and a written guarantee that this will never happen again! Sign this urgent petition today! Your petition will reach the Olympic Games sponsors, which I am sure will put more pressure on the International Olympic Committee. Our faith is strong, and together we are even stronger. Thank you for all you do. Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Are you outraged by what happened on Friday at the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony? Are you going to let them spit on our faith and indoctrinate our children with their sick perversions? Sign the urgent petition now and share it with everyone you know! We’ll show the world that God can’t be mocked!