Dear Friend,

When hosting a party, one of my favorite parts is watching people enjoy it. And it’s no different at Living Church events. That’s why it’s my pleasure to invite you to The Human Pilgrimage Conference.

Why join us? This is three days, not only to develop professionally, but to get away and enjoy: learning and conversation, led by the theological excellence and pastoral wisdom of top Episcopal and Anglican teachers; and an environment of hospitality, warmth, worship, and Christian friendship.

Learn more about The Human Pilgrimage Conference, Sept. 26-28, in Oklahoma City.

Join us for a refreshing and thoughtful conference on the timely question: What does it mean to be human? How do we live well and humbly in a complex world, and teach others to do the same? 

This is an excellent formation or continuing education opportunity for pastors, lay leaders, students, and Christian lifelong learners.

If you can make room in your calendar in September, I’d love to see you there. Or perhaps you want to send a colleague or friend?

In joy,

Amber Noel

Director of Programs

The Living Church