From the desk of Andrei Cherny

Dear John,

Thank you.

The margin may have been close, but our democracy works because we respect the will of the people.

I couldn't be more deeply grateful to all those who gave their time, contributions, and support to this campaign.

Thank you to the friends of my lifetime that stepped forward to help me once again – and the new lifelong friends I made along the way.

Thank you to the young people that decided that canvassing and putting up signs in Phoenix in July was a good way to spend their summer vacations.

Thank you to the thousands of people I met while knocking on their doors who shared their hopes and fears, invited me into their living rooms, offered me water, and entrusted me with their votes.

Thank you to my amazing, all-star campaign team that shattered records and impressed everyone they met.

Thank you to Stephanie for not just supporting me in this campaign, but joining me in this journey. And thank you to Ben and Belle for being with me, literally, step by step and hour after hour. I am the luckiest person in the world to be her husband and their dad.

I know that the people of this community are ready to vote for a change. I am proud to offer my full support to Amish Shah and am confident that we will win in November.

Of course I’m disappointed to have come so close and yet fallen short, but I look back at the past year and a half feeling fortunate to have had the great privilege of working for a cause larger than myself.

Win or lose, there are dreams worth chasing and things worth fighting for – and democracy, freedom, and the future of America itself couldn’t be higher on that list.

Thank you for being part of this incredible adventure.

