
As we approach this critical election, the energy and enthusiasm around Vice President Kamala Harris has reached incredible heights. The support from diverse coalitions has been overwhelming; together, we've built a broad support network. Since announcing her candidacy, we have seen the momentum increase exponentially, and she has not shied away from taking on Trump and the chaos he will ensue, including Project 2025.

If you don't know what Trump's Project 2025 agenda is, you should look it up – but here's a brief overview:

  • Guts checks and balances to give Trump virtually unlimited power to be a dictator on "day one."

  • It bans abortion nationwide, jeopardizes access to contraception, and creates a surveillance state to track women and their doctors.

  • It uses the government to enact revenge on Trump's enemies and turns the civil service into a Trump loyalty force.

  • It cuts Social Security and Medicare and ends health care protections for people with preexisting conditions.

  • It defunds government agencies like the Department of Education.

  • Allows employers to stop paying many workers overtime while giving handouts to billionaires and big corporations.


While Vice President Harris continues fighting for us, our work is far from over. We cannot take anything for granted. Every vote counts, and we must work hard to earn every vote. Please galvanize your friends, family, and colleagues. Reach out to your networks, have conversations with those close to you, and encourage them to support electing Democrats up and down the ticket.


We need your help to ensure Vice President Harris and Democrats are victorious this November. Together, we can protect fundamental rights and build upon the achievements we've made. Join us in this crucial fight. Volunteer and help us mobilize every vote!

“When we fight, we win!”

In Solidarity,


Brencia Berry

Political Director, DNC

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Electrifying Crowd Rallies Around
Vice President Kamala Harris

The moment Vice President Kamala Harris arrived on stage in Atlanta, GA  the crowd was electric! Then she demonstrated that she can take on Trump.

"He won’t debate, but he and his running mate sure seem to have a lot to say about me.  And, by the way, don’t you find some of their stuff to just be plain weird?  Well, Donald, I do hope you’ll reconsider to meet me on the debate stage because, as the saying goes, if you’ve got something to say, say it to my face.”

                                                              Vice President Kamala Harris
 Harris for President Launches
First Campaign Ad
“Fearless” outlines the Vice President’s vision for the future where every American has the ability not just to get by, but to get ahead -- while Donald Trump wants to take us backwards with his extreme Project 2025 agenda.
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