News from Representative Allred

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April 24, 2020

Dear Friend,

More relief is on the way. As we continue to navigate this crisis, I just voted to deliver additional assistance for small businesses, ramp up coronavirus testing and further support our hospitals. I helped to pass the bipartisan Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, which has already been passed by the Senate and is expected to be signed into law by the president. 

The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act:
  • Strengthens the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) with additional funding.
  • Provides additional funds specifically for small businesses in underserved rural and urban areas.
  • Expands small business support beyond the PPP program by expanding disaster loans and grants.
  • Provides financial support for hospitals and health care workers, which can be used to meet such needs as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Expands COVID-19 testing. It also requires the Administration to submit to Congress a federal COVID-19 strategic testing plan.

This is the latest supplement of the stimulus packages including the sweeping Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) passed last month. I know this is an incredibly difficult time for North Texas small business owners, who continue to suffer the economic side-effects of the coronavirus. I have heard the concerns and issues with SBA programs, and it’s my top priority to get small businesses the relief they need. My office created a resource guide for small businesses to help them through this difficult time, and you can access it by clicking here.

This bill is a good step toward providing folks with the assistance they need to weather the pandemic, but we have much more work to do, including providing assistance to all our cities. Our economic future is directly tied to our public health response. Our focus moving forward should be on developing a plan to dramatically ramp up testing, contact tracing and treatment. I will continue to advocate for North Texas small businesses, workers, and families and to push for increased testing and support for our hospitals.

I applaud every one of you who are doing your part in combating the spread of the coronavirus, whether it’s providing essential services or staying home and staying safe. We will get through this together.

Please visit for helpful COVID-19 resources or give my Richardson office a call at (972) 972-7949 if you need help with federal casework or have questions. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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