Dear Friend,

Thank you for coming to my Constituent Services Fair. My team and I would love to hear your feedback about how the fair went and what we can improve upon. Please take the survey below to share your opinion with us.


Rate your experience 1-5: 1 being unfavorable & 5 being very favorable

Access to Services (Rate 1-5)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Breakout Sessions (Rate 1-5) 

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Suggestions for future topics


Interaction with Congressman Norcross's team (rate 1-5)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Do you have any other suggestions for next year's fair?

Having trouble, please click here.

Sent by the Office of Congressman Norcross.

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Need help? Contact your Congressman.
