Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Okay, team, I’ll start with the good news: our online grassroots momentum is the strongest it’s ever been this cycle. This team nearly doubled its support between June and July, and over 20% of the people who chipped in last month stepped up and made a contribution for the first time.

But the not so good news? Our recurring donations took an unexpected dip. Our regular supporters have been a strong team, but with a lot of political energy with Democrats across the country over the last few weeks, we understand that not everyone was able to continue their recurring donation with us.

So folks, will you stand with our regular supporters and commit to pitching in $1 weekly between now and Election Day to help us close this gap?

Please use the links in this message to begin a weekly contribution to the Arizona Democratic Party:


We’re less than 13 weeks away from the biggest election of our lives, and everything is on the ballot this year. With the primary behind us, our team has a FULL slate of Democratic candidates up and down the ballot to support across the state.

If everyone reading this message committed to pitching in just a dollar a week, this team would be over $250,000 stronger by Election Day.

A little truly does go a long way, so please, pitch in $1, $5, or whatever best fits your weekly budget to help us mobilize a blue Arizona.


Thanks for your support!

— Benjamin Nelson

Finance Director, Arizona Democratic Party