Five friends from our movement have been jailed for 4-5 years

Dear John,


The prisons are full, violent criminals are to be released early, the police are warning of a breakdown in law and order. And yet, almost 200 people have been imprisoned for protesting peacefully since 2019 in this country.

Friends from our movement (the ‘Whole Truth Five’) have been jailed for 4-5 years each. 

First the judge gagged the protesters from speaking about the climate crisis in court; now the protestors are getting record jail time – literally for discussing a peaceful protest on a video call.

This is outrageous, and it sets a dangerous legal precedent attacking civil rights and freedoms – the very rights and freedoms that courts are supposed to protect and uphold!

It’s time we show up for these five nonviolent protestors and others* to tell the courts and legislators, we will not be intimidated.

Extinction Rebellion have co-organised a rally with Defend Our Juries, Just Stop Oil, and Fossil Free London. Bear witness to injustice, and sharpen your resolve to Upgrade Democracy.

Parliament Square
Sat 3rd August from 12-2pm
Bring signs saying: You can’t lock up the truth, Free the Whole Truth Five, Stop Jailing Truthtellers. 

Too far from London?
If you can’t make it to Westminster, consider showing solidarity by signing this petition from Avaaz.

Also you can connect with others (including many people from XR) via the continued protests around the UK by the Defend our Juries campaign.

Love and Rage,
Extinction Rebellion UK

*At this rally, we stand in solidarity with the Whole Truth Five - Cressida Gethin, Dan Shaw, Louise Lancaster, Lucia Whittaker De Abreu, and Roger Hallam; Amy Pritchard who received a 10-month custodial sentence earlier this year for taking action with Extinction Rebellion; Sean O’Callaghan, Rory Wilson, Adam Beard, Sally Davidson, Luke Elson, Rosa Hicks, Luke Watson and Hannah Schafer who were arrested outside Heathrow Airport and sent to prison without a trial; and Paul Bell, Theresa Higginson, Gaie Delap, Paul Sousek and George Simonson who received 20-24-month sentences for climbing gantries on the M25.

Further Info:
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall video just after sentencing (2mins video)
Jail sentences are an obscene perversion of justice (The Canary)
Further jail sentences today Aug 1st (Just Stop Oil website)
1200 cultural icons condemn ‘insane’ prison terms for Whole Truth Five (Defend our Juries press release)


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