This week, President Biden unveiled his plan for sweeping and radical changes to the Supreme Court.
These so-called court “reforms” include ending life tenure for Supreme Court justices and a binding code of ethics for the justices that would be overseen by Congress.
President Biden’s plan is simply a thinly veiled political scheme to intimidate and control the U.S. Supreme Court justices. This would threaten an independent judiciary and the rule of law.
It would also open the door to far more radical ideas being pushed by the far Left, including court-packing. All of this adds up to one result: a disaster for our nation.
To discern the specifics of Biden’s attempted Supreme Court Coup, First Liberty Live! is bringing you expert analysis of this dangerous plan from our Chief Legal Officer Jeff Mateer.

Don’t be fooled. President Biden’s court “reform” scheme is nothing more than a desperate attack to end the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.
His proposals are both unconstitutional and a threat to our Republic.
Three years ago, when President Biden started his initial attack on the court, you partnered with us to stop the Supreme Court Coup.
Your prayers and support helped us spread the word and build a coalition of over 500,000 patriots united in effort to stop court packing.
And that’s exactly what we did. The Biden Commission even went as far as to reference our research when they recommended that Biden leave the court alone.
Now, it is time for you and I to stand together once more and fight back against the President’s latest attempt to take control of the Supreme Court.
That’s why, John, I am asking you to once again join us on the frontlines in this fight. We must join together to protect our judicial system and the integrity of our Supreme Court.
It’s time to fight the good fight for faith. The future of religious freedom depends on preserving the independence of the judiciary.
Will you join us on the frontlines as we fight to save our Supreme Court?