Image showing flowering cherry blossoms and CND symbol. Text reads:

Every year, CND groups across Britain gather to commemorate the atomic bombings of Japan, out of respect for the hundreds of thousands of victims whose lives were cruelly taken in an instant. 


As we prepare to mark the 79th anniversary of those horrific events of August 1945, the risk of nuclear war is dangerously high. Nuclear powers are racing ahead with modernising their nuclear arsenals. Two wars, in Europe and the Middle East, involve nuclear-armed states. Both risk spiralling into wider wars that could involve nuclear use. By remembering the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we remind ourselves that such acts of barbarity must never be allowed to happen again, and the actions we must take to prevent it.

London Region CND Hiroshima Day commemoration is taking place on Tuesday, 6 August. Those living in London or the South East are encouraged to join us in Tavistock Square, starting at 12 noon. 


You can find more local commemorations on our events page or locate one near you on our map here


You can also find more resources about Hiroshima and Nagasaki in our online exhibition. CND General Secretary Kate Hudson has also written on the truth about the bombings, dispelling the myths used by the US and its allies to justify the use of nuclear weapons. 

National March for Palestine. Tell Starmer...Stop Arming Israel. End the Genocide. No Middle East War Park Lane, London 12 noon, Saturday 3 August.

Nuclear-armed Israel puts Middle East on the brink: join the demonstration for peace this Saturday!


Israel has stepped up its bombing of Lebanon and on Tuesday assassinated the political leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, during a trip to Iran. Haniyeh was the leader of negotiations looking to secure a ceasefire in Gaza: his killing by Israel has once again shamefully knocked back hopes of a deal that will ease the suffering of Palestinians after nine months of relentless bombardment. The Middle East stands on the edge of a regional war with a nuclear-armed state attempting to light the fuse. What is Britain doing to prevent this? 


The escalation comes as Parliament entered its summer recess and MPs will not return until September. New Oxfam figures estimate that at least 7,000 people will be either killed or injured by the Israeli military in Gaza over this 33-day period.


The British government could have taken action before this to stop arming Israel. Instead, its inaction has given Israel the green light to wreak havoc across the region. Foreign Secretary David Lammy has delayed a decision on suspending arms sales to Israel, despite coming under pressure to do so following a recent International Court of Justice (ICJ) opinion that Israel’s settlement policies and occupation of Palestinian territories break international law.

We need to keep the pressure up and we need your voice with us! Join us in London this Saturday, where we will be marching to demand Britain imposes a full arms embargo on Israel; recognises Palestinian statehood; and call on Keir Starmer to use Britain's diplomatic power to support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.


  • Saturday, 3 August
  • Assemble 12 noon, Park Lane, London 


More details TBC. Latest information will be posted to our event page here.


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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

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