ACT NOW: Journalist Elena Milashina is in grave danger for reporting on COVID-19 in Chechnya. | View in browser.



Dear John,

Three years ago, the world learned that Chechnya was abducting, torturing and killing gay men. Elena Milashina was the journalist who broke this story, and she received threats so serious she was forced into hiding. 

Earlier this month, Elena broke another shocking story – people in Chechnya were dying of COVID-19 in their homes, fearful to seek medical help and be labeled ‘terrorists.’ This time, Chechnya's Head Ramzan Kadyrov made death threats against her on social media, and Elena has asked Amnesty to help protect her. 

Elena is in grave danger. Please call on Russian authorities to take urgent steps to ensure her safety.

On April 12th, Russian independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta published Elena's article. The next day, Ramzan Kadyrov posted an Instagram video accusing the newspaper and its journalists of being “puppets of the West,” and directly appealed to Russian authorities “to stop those non-humans who are writing and provoking our people.” He further alluded that unless they do it, someone in Chechnya would have to commit a crime to silence Elena.  

There is every reason to take these threats seriously. Two of Elena’s Novaya Gazeta colleagues were killed in 2006 and 2009.   

Elena has faced repeated threats and attacks for her work in Chechnya. Most recently, on February 6, Elena and lawyer Marina Dubrovina were attacked and beaten by a mob in a hotel in Grozny, Chechnya’s capital. None of the perpetrators have been brought to justice.  

Russian authorities have dismissed these latest threats as “nothing out of the ordinary” and a mere “emotional” reaction. Instead of condemning the threats, the government ordered Elena’s article to be removed from the Novaya Gazeta website, claiming that it contained “false information.” 

The Russian government must not remain silent. Please call on President Putin to publicly condemn the threats against Elena and protect her! 


Crises are too often used as “cover” for some states to continue to target critical voices or even broaden patterns of repression. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. 

Journalism is not a crime. Elena courageously continues her reporting despite repeated threats and attacks. The threats against her have never been so serious, and Elena has asked us for help. Please join me in taking action to help ensure she is protected from harm. 

In solidarity, 
Jackie Hansen 
Gender Rights Campaigner 
Amnesty International Canada 
P.S. Journalists like Elena play an essential role in times of crisis. A robust media environment makes life-saving information broadly accessible, and journalists help hold authorities to account. Please take a moment to speak out for Elena’s protection and her right to provide this critical service during the COVID-19 pandemic.




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