Fellow conservative,

We are getting vastly outraised every quarter. Wendy Davis is currently sitting at a half million ahead of us.
There are a couple reasons for this—one being that she's a national abortion celebrity who rose to prominence after filibustering in favor of late-term abortion for 13 hours on the floor of the Texas Senate several years ago. Since then she has dedicated her life to fighting for barbaric pro-abortion laws and turning Texas blue.
But the main reason is that she spent the entire month of March, in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, raising money, while we completely suspended our fundraising to address the fallout from the virus.

It should also be noted that while we were working around the clock to help local small businesses, support health care workers and first responders, and provide relief for those suffering from the pandemic, Wendy was still relentlessly attacking us.

Needless to say, we have some catching up to do.

I'll get right to it. I need you to chip in $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to help us close the big gap against liberal Democrat Wendy Davis.

The stakes are enormous in 2020. If Nancy Pelosi, AOC and the far-left Democrats get a hold of districts like ours, they will continue their radical obstruction and we will never move forward on the issues that we fight for every day, like securing the border, restoring healthcare freedom, cutting spending, and defending our men and women in uniform.

Davis is doing everything in her power to help Nancy Pelosi gain a stronger foothold in Texas. We can't let that happen -- there's too much at stake. 

Please chip in $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to close the gap and fight back against Nancy Pelosi, AOC and the rest of the radical liberals in Washington.

I'm proud to be your Congressman.

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

We want you to know that if you're hurting in any way from the COVID-19 pandemic, we completely understand if you're not able to help our campaign financially. We're continuing to lift you and your family up in prayer through this difficult time. You can find helpful resources here.
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