Hi John,
The news has been coming at us fast and furious these last few weeks. Even though so much has changed in the political landscape, one thing hasn't — corruption still has a stranglehold over our political system.

Here are 4 corrupt practices that are legal and routinely practiced in the United States:
- Lobbyists Write Laws. Industry lobbyists often write the actual text of the laws that Congress passes, ensuring that their special interest goals are accomplished.
- Politicians Take Money from Industries They Regulate. Politicians can legally accept donations from industries they are supposed to regulate. That's like a team paying a referee before a game — who do you think gets the favorable calls?
- Secret Political Contributions that Buy Elections…and Politicians. Thanks to the Citizens United ruling, special interest groups can funnel essentially unlimited amounts of money into political campaigns through Super PACs.
- Revolving Door Between Congress and Lobbying. Many politicians leave office and become lobbyists. Call us crazy, but we think Congresspeople should work for their constituents, not train on how to be a better lobbyist.
All of the actions above are completely legal, because our political system rewards those with the most money. Sure, electing new politicians can help, but fixing the system is the only thing that ensures permanent change.
Let's get to work.  |