From The Unz Review <[email protected]>
Subject The Unz Digest - April 24, 2020
Date April 24, 2020 5:08 PM
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The Unz Review Digest - April 24, 2020

Ranking first by a wide margin was my own analysis of the conflicting American and Chinese claims regarding the catastrophic Coronavirus epidemic, which top Trump Administration officials are now increasingly claiming may been the product of a Chinese laboratory, leading to demands for trillions of dollars in financial compensation. I note that in the past, our government and its subservient media have regularly promoted notorious hoaxes like the alleged 1989 âTiananmen Square Massacre,â suggesting the greater credibility of China in this matter. Moreover, the pattern of the outbreak and other evidence strongly suggests that it was actually the result of a biowarfare attack against China (and Iran) by elements of the American national security establishment, the exact opposite of the the claims being made. Given its explosive claims and timeliness, the piece came close to setting an all-time early record for any of my articles, while took only three days to attract over 750 comments
totaling 100,000 words, along with 2K Facebook Likes.

Almost any other week, Mike Whitneyâs second-ranking piece would have easily topped our charts, and his analysis of the positive evidence of Swedenâs unusually restrained public response to the disease outbreak drew a remarkable 8K Facebook likes and over 300 contentious comments.

Two other very popular non-Coronavirus pieces came next, which also might have normally led our rankings, with Paul Kersey discussing the brutal slaying of a white teenage girl in Florida by two black men, a totally ignored incident that would have reached the international headlines if the races had been reversed. And the redoubtable Paul Craig Roberts discussed the astonishing revelations of the true history of World War II and Winston Churchill published by famed British historian David Irving over the decades at the cost of the destruction of his towering personal career and financial well-being, provoking nearly 600 comments totaling over 80,000 words.

Finally rounding out our most popular featured articles were two separate pieces by the Saker on the geopolitical aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak. His most recent piece focused on the American use of the epidemic as a propaganda weapon against China, while the second, a carry-over from the previous week, discussed the devastating impact the disease is having on the American carrier fleet, perfect hotbeds for local outbreaks.
American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback? (/runz/american-pravda-our-coronavirus-catastrophe-as-biowarfare-blowback/)
Ron Unz (/author/ron-unz/)
â¢Â 762 Comments (/runz/american-pravda-our-coronavirus-catastrophe-as-biowarfare-blowback/?showcomments#comments)
Nearly 30,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus during the last two weeks, and by some estimates this is a substantial under-count, while the death-toll continues to rapidly mount. Meanwhile, measures to control the spread of this deadly infection have already cost 22 million Americans their jobs, an unprecedented economic collapse that has pushed our... Read More (/runz/american-pravda-our-coronavirus-catastrophe-as-biowarfare-blowback/)
Sweden Is Right. The Economy Should be Left Open (/mwhitney/sweden-is-right-the-economy-should-be-left-open/)
Mike Whitney (/author/mike-whitney/)
â¢Â 309 Comments (/mwhitney/sweden-is-right-the-economy-should-be-left-open/#comments)
Sometimes, the best thing to do, is to do nothing at all. Take Sweden, for example, where the government decided not to shut down the economy, but to take a more thoughtful and balanced approach. Sweden has kept its primary schools, restaurants, shops and gyms open for business even though fewer people are out in... Read More (/mwhitney/sweden-is-right-the-economy-should-be-left-open/)
Her Name Is Andrea Camps: Two Black Males Murder 18-Year White High School Senior in "Botched Sneaker Deal" (/sbpdl/her-name-is-andrea-camps-two-black-males-murder-18-year-white-college-senior-in-botched-sneaker-deal/)
Paul Kersey (/author/paul-kersey/)
â¢Â 254 Comments (/sbpdl/her-name-is-andrea-camps-two-black-males-murder-18-year-white-college-senior-in-botched-sneaker-deal/#comments)
PK NOTE: Their Lives Matter Too. Itâs a book you must pick up. Names youâve never encountered, stories youâve never read about, all for one, unmentionable reason: black on white murder. We were never supposed to notice what's happening. We were never supposed to catalogue the names and tell their stories. But we did. But... Read More (/sbpdl/her-name-is-andrea-camps-two-black-males-murder-18-year-white-college-senior-in-botched-sneaker-deal/)
Churchillâs War: the Real History of World War II (/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/)
Paul Craig Roberts (/author/paul-craig-roberts/)
â¢Â 588 Comments (/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/?showcomments#comments)
All truth-tellers are denounced, and most end up destroyed. Truth seldom serves the agendas of powerful interests. The one historian from whom you can get the unvarnished truth of World War II is David Irving. On the bookjackets of Irvingâs books, the question is asked: What is real history? The answer is that real history... Read More (/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/)
The AngloZionists Are Launching a Strategic PSYOP Against China (/tsaker/the-anglozionists-are-launching-a-strategic-psyop-against-china/)
The Saker (/author/the-saker/)
â¢Â 187 Comments (/tsaker/the-anglozionists-are-launching-a-strategic-psyop-against-china/#comments)
Maybe the "the Russians did it" narrative is getting stale. Or maybe the leaders of the Empire have finally figured out that China is even more dangerous to the Empire than Russia. But my personal gut feeling is simply that the AngloZionists are freaking out about the "full-spectrum" loss of face they suffered with their... Read More (/tsaker/the-anglozionists-are-launching-a-strategic-psyop-against-china/)
Will This Pandemic Finally Mark the End of the US Carrier Fleet? (/tsaker/will-this-pandemic-finally-mark-the-end-of-the-us-carrier-fleet/)
The Saker (/author/the-saker/)
â¢Â 230 Comments (/tsaker/will-this-pandemic-finally-mark-the-end-of-the-us-carrier-fleet/#comments)
Frankly, I have never considered USN carrier strike groups as a "Cold War capable" element of the US Navy. Yes, in theory, there was the notion of forward deploying these carriers to "bring the war to the Soviets" (on the Kola Peninsula) before they could flush their subs and aircraft through the GUIK gap and... Read More (/tsaker/will-this-pandemic-finally-mark-the-end-of-the-us-carrier-fleet/)
Coronavirus Crisis as a Turning Point (/ldinh/coronavirus-crisis-as-a-turning-point/)
Linh Dinh (/author/linh-dinh/)
â¢Â 161 Comments (/ldinh/coronavirus-crisis-as-a-turning-point/#comments)
My freshman year in college, I had an English teacher, Stanley Ward, who said, âAll writing is about sex or death,â which drew laughs from us idiots, for it sounded like a joke, but if you consider how everything falls within the continuum between the generation of life and its negation, then of course Mr.... Read More (/ldinh/coronavirus-crisis-as-a-turning-point/)
The Arrogance of Zionist Power (/pgiraldi/the-arrogance-of-zionist-power/)
Openly Demonstrating that the Tribe Always Comes First
Philip Giraldi (/author/philip-giraldi/)
â¢Â 231 Comments (/pgiraldi/the-arrogance-of-zionist-power/#comments)
There are two recent stories that involve the arrogance of the Jewish community in the United States. The first involves a lobbying group in Washington and the second concerns a hospital in New York City. It has often been observed that some Jews of the Alan Dershowitz persuasion boast about how powerful Jews are in... Read More (/pgiraldi/the-arrogance-of-zionist-power/)
A Government Against the People (/pgiraldi/a-government-against-the-people/)
Loyalty to the president is the chief qualification
Philip Giraldi (/author/philip-giraldi/)
â¢Â 174 Comments (/pgiraldi/a-government-against-the-people/#comments)
The 24/7 intensified media coverage of the coronavirus story has meant that other news has either been ignored or relegated to the back pages, never to be seen again. The Middle East has been on a boil but coverage of the Trump administrationâs latest moves against Iran has been so insignificant as to be invisible.... Read More (/pgiraldi/a-government-against-the-people/)
Techno-Tyranny: How the US National Security State Is Using Coronavirus to Fulfill an Orwellian Vision (/wwebb/techno-tyranny-how-the-us-national-security-state-is-using-coronavirus-to-fulfill-an-orwellian-vision/)
Whitney Webb (/author/whitney-webb/)
â¢Â 81 Comments (/wwebb/techno-tyranny-how-the-us-national-security-state-is-using-coronavirus-to-fulfill-an-orwellian-vision/#comments)
Critical Care of Fatness? (/jthompson/critical-care-of-fatness/)
James Thompson (/author/james-thompson/)
â¢Â 144 Comments (/jthompson/critical-care-of-fatness/#comments)
A few days ago, there was an updated report on critical care for coronavirus patients in hospitals in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. ICNARC report on COVID-19in critical care 17 April 2020. Sometimes a single table can be illustrative, and this one gives the characteristics of those who end up in critical care. Covid-19 patients... Read More (/jthompson/critical-care-of-fatness/)
Multiculturalism in the Age of Coronavirus (/article/multiculturalism-in-the-age-of-coronavirus/)
Andrew Joyce (/author/andrew-joyce/)
â¢Â 106 Comments (/article/multiculturalism-in-the-age-of-coronavirus/#comments)
The above advice was given to the British government in late March, and represents a propaganda strategy designed to stop the flimsy fantasy of multicultural harmony coming apart at its threadbare seams. From a purely strategic point of view, of course, it makes perfect sense. Whether readers believe that the COVID-19 pandemic is a real... Read More (/article/multiculturalism-in-the-age-of-coronavirus/)
Models: the Logic of Failure (/jthompson/models-the-logic-of-failure/)
James Thompson (/author/james-thompson/)
â¢Â 295 Comments (/jthompson/models-the-logic-of-failure/#comments)
The predictions which come out of models of epidemics are often highly sensitive to minor changes in assumptions, so can rightly be accused of being wildly wrong when measured against the eventual outcome. âImprove the modelâ is a common plea. Of course, the most recent model any team publishes is already a presumed improvement on... Read More (/jthompson/models-the-logic-of-failure/)
What Did U.S. Intel Really Know About the âChineseâ Virus? (/pescobar/what-did-u-s-intel-really-know-about-the-chinese-virus/)
Pepe Escobar (/author/pepe-escobar/)
â¢Â 114 Comments (/pescobar/what-did-u-s-intel-really-know-about-the-chinese-virus/#comments)
Hybrid War 2.0 on China, a bipartisan U.S. operation, is already reaching fever pitch. Its 24/7 full spectrum infowar arm blames China for everything coronavirus-related â doubling as a diversionist tactic against any informed criticism of woeful American unpreparedness. Hysteria predictably reigns. And this is just the beginning. A deluge of lawsuits is imminent â... Read More (/pescobar/what-did-u-s-intel-really-know-about-the-chinese-virus/)
National Media Blackout: Three Whites (Including White Married Couple) Murdered by Black Male in Killing Spree in East Alabama (/sbpdl/national-media-blackout-three-whites-including-white-married-couple-murdered-by-black-male-in-killing-spree-in-east-alabama/)
Paul Kersey (/author/paul-kersey/)
â¢Â 65 Comments (/sbpdl/national-media-blackout-three-whites-including-white-married-couple-murdered-by-black-male-in-killing-spree-in-east-alabama/#comments)
PK NOTE: Their Lives Matter Too. Itâs a book you must pick up. Names youâve never encountered, stories youâve never read about, all for one, unmentionable reason: black on white murder. We were never supposed to notice whatâs happening. We were never supposed to catalogue the names and tell their stories. But we did. But... Read More (/sbpdl/national-media-blackout-three-whites-including-white-married-couple-murdered-by-black-male-in-killing-spree-in-east-alabama/)
Enough Is Enough (/ishamir/enough-is-enough/)
Israel Shamir (/author/israel-shamir/)
â¢Â 71 Comments (/ishamir/enough-is-enough/#comments)
For weeks, I woke up every morning hoping to find myself in the normal world, instead of this alternative reality. The normal world where men can roam the hills, pray in the church, go to work, stay at the seashore, listen to a concert, visit museums, socialise with friends, flirt with girls, send kids to... Read More (/ishamir/enough-is-enough/)
Piercing Illusion of Trump's 'Immigration Ban' (/mmalkin/piercing-illusion-of-trumps-immigration-ban/)
Michelle Malkin (/author/michelle-malkin/)
â¢Â 105 Comments (/mmalkin/piercing-illusion-of-trumps-immigration-ban/#comments)
President Donald Trump unleashed his "April surprise" on Monday night, sending shock waves from the Beltway Swamp to Silicon Valley with a long-overdue announcement: "In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens," he declared, "I will be signing an Executive... Read More (/mmalkin/piercing-illusion-of-trumps-immigration-ban/)
The Hunt for Patient Zero (/article/the-hunt-for-patient-zero/)
Another American Index Case?
Godfree Roberts (/author/godfree-roberts/)
â¢Â 585 Comments (/article/the-hunt-for-patient-zero/?showcomments#comments)
In our last episode, Last Man Standing, we wondered if the Covid-19 outbreak might prove advantageous to China. Here we speculate about howâthanks to a bureaucratic decision about a common illnessâit may cause America to lose world hegemony. *** Finding the Index Case, Patient Zero, of an epidemic is critical to understanding and curbing further... Read More (/article/the-hunt-for-patient-zero/)
WRAL (Raleigh, NC), Scripps Media and Houston Chronicle Cease Publishing Mugshots of Criminals Because They Are "Reinforcing or Creating Stereotypes"... Too Many Non-White Faces (/sbpdl/wral-raleigh-nc-scripps-media-and-houston-chronicle-cease-publishing-mugshots-of-criminals-because-they-are-reinforcing-or-creating-stereotypes-too-many-non-white-faces/)
Paul Kersey (/author/paul-kersey/)
â¢Â 97 Comments (/sbpdl/wral-raleigh-nc-scripps-media-and-houston-chronicle-cease-publishing-mugshots-of-criminals-because-they-are-reinforcing-or-creating-stereotypes-too-many-non-white-faces/#comments)
The truth shall not set you free. Multiple media companies around the nation have decided to suspend their publication of mugshots, because a clear pattern emerges of those who do evil to others... (hint: black and brown faces). [WRAL News changing policy on arrest photo galleries,, March 13, 2020]: WRAL News has decided to... Read More (/sbpdl/wral-raleigh-nc-scripps-media-and-houston-chronicle-cease-publishing-mugshots-of-criminals-because-they-are-reinforcing-or-creating-stereotypes-too-many-non-white-faces/)
So the "N-Word" Can Only be Spoken By Our Ruling Elite? (/jderbyshire/so-the-n-word-can-only-be-spoken-by-our-ruling-elite/)
John Derbyshire (/author/john-derbyshire/)
â¢Â 121 Comments (/jderbyshire/so-the-n-word-can-only-be-spoken-by-our-ruling-elite/#comments)
[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] The Suits at won't let me spell out the N-word in full. I understand the reasons for that and am totally on board with the policy. It's irksome, though; it annoys me. [ Suits: it annoys us too, but itâs because Tech Totalitarian... Read More (/jderbyshire/so-the-n-word-can-only-be-spoken-by-our-ruling-elite/)
Recent Columns
B (/runz/) Ron Unz / Editor-in-Chief (/author/ron-unz/)
American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback? (/runz/american-pravda-our-coronavirus-catastrophe-as-biowarfare-blowback/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â 762 Comments (/runz/american-pravda-our-coronavirus-catastrophe-as-biowarfare-blowback/?showcomments#comments)
B (/gatzmon/) Gilad Atzmon / The Wondering Who (/author/gilad-atzmon/)
Is Amnesia a Symptom of Covid-19? (/gatzmon/is-amnesia-a-symptom-of-covid-19/)
April 20, 2020 â¢Â 55 Comments (/gatzmon/is-amnesia-a-symptom-of-covid-19/#comments)
Everything You Want to Know About Covid-19 But Were Afraid to Ask Peter Duesberg (/gatzmon/everything-you-want-to-know-about-covid-19-but-were-afraid-to-ask-peter-duesberg/)
April 18, 2020 â¢Â 35 Comments (/gatzmon/everything-you-want-to-know-about-covid-19-but-were-afraid-to-ask-peter-duesberg/#comments)
B (/pbuchanan/) Pat Buchanan / Mr. Paleoconservative (/author/pat-buchanan/)
What Will be the New American Cause? (/pbuchanan/what-will-be-the-new-american-cause/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â 85 Comments (/pbuchanan/what-will-be-the-new-american-cause/#comments)
Will COVID-19 Retire the World's Policeman? (/pbuchanan/will-covid-19-retire-the-worlds-policeman/)
April 17, 2020 â¢Â 62 Comments (/pbuchanan/will-covid-19-retire-the-worlds-policeman/#comments)
B (/pcockburn/) Patrick Cockburn / Independent Foreign Correspondent (/author/patrick-cockburn/)
Trumpian Nationalists Have Met Their Match in the Coronavirus (/pcockburn/trumpian-nationalists-have-met-their-match-in-the-coronavirus/)
April 22, 2020 â¢Â 19 Comments (/pcockburn/trumpian-nationalists-have-met-their-match-in-the-coronavirus/#comments)
B (/jderbyshire/) John Derbyshire / Immigrant Doomsayer (/author/john-derbyshire/)
So the "N-Word" Can Only be Spoken By Our Ruling Elite? (/jderbyshire/so-the-n-word-can-only-be-spoken-by-our-ruling-elite/)
April 17, 2020 â¢Â 121 Comments (/jderbyshire/so-the-n-word-can-only-be-spoken-by-our-ruling-elite/#comments)
B (/ldinh/) Linh Dinh / Postcarder from the End of America (/author/linh-dinh/)
Coronavirus Missives from Canada, France and China/England (/ldinh/coronavirus-missives-from-canada-france-and-china-england/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â 16 Comments (/ldinh/coronavirus-missives-from-canada-france-and-china-england/#comments)
Coronavirus Crisis as a Turning Point (/ldinh/coronavirus-crisis-as-a-turning-point/)
April 17, 2020 â¢Â 161 Comments (/ldinh/coronavirus-crisis-as-a-turning-point/#comments)
B (/gdurocher/) Guillaume Durocher / The Alt-French Interpretation (/author/guillaume-durocher/)
âDivine Rightâ on the Collapse of Star Trek (/gdurocher/divine-right-on-the-collapse-of-star-trek/)
April 22, 2020 â¢Â 69 Comments (/gdurocher/divine-right-on-the-collapse-of-star-trek/#comments)
Prominent Afro-French Comedian Calls for ârehabilitationâ of Adolf Hitler (/gdurocher/prominent-afro-french-comedian-calls-for-rehabilitation-of-adolf-hitler/)
April 18, 2020 â¢Â 55 Comments (/gdurocher/prominent-afro-french-comedian-calls-for-rehabilitation-of-adolf-hitler/#comments)
B (/pescobar/) Pepe Escobar / A Roving Eye on Globalistan (/author/pepe-escobar/)
What Did U.S. Intel Really Know About the âChineseâ Virus? (/pescobar/what-did-u-s-intel-really-know-about-the-chinese-virus/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â 114 Comments (/pescobar/what-did-u-s-intel-really-know-about-the-chinese-virus/#comments)
The City in a Time of Plague (/pescobar/the-city-in-a-time-of-plague/)
April 17, 2020 â¢Â 3 Comments (/pescobar/the-city-in-a-time-of-plague/#comments)
B (/pgiraldi/) Philip Giraldi / National Intelligence (/author/philip-giraldi/)
Monitoring the Public After Coronavirus (/pgiraldi/monitoring-the-public-after-coronavirus/)
April 23, 2020 â¢Â 10 Comments (/pgiraldi/monitoring-the-public-after-coronavirus/#comments)
A Government Against the People (/pgiraldi/a-government-against-the-people/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â 174 Comments (/pgiraldi/a-government-against-the-people/#comments)
B (/mhudson/) Michael Hudson / Long-Term Economic Trender (/author/michael-hudson/)
US Coronavirus "Bailout" Scam Is $6 Trillion Giveaway to Wall Street (/mhudson/us-coronavirus-bailout-scam-is-6-trillion-giveaway-to-wall-street/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â Leave a Comment (/mhudson/us-coronavirus-bailout-scam-is-6-trillion-giveaway-to-wall-street/#comments)
B (/mmalkin/) Michelle Malkin / Closing Open Borders (/author/michelle-malkin/)
Piercing Illusion of Trump's 'Immigration Ban' (/mmalkin/piercing-illusion-of-trumps-immigration-ban/)
April 22, 2020 â¢Â 105 Comments (/mmalkin/piercing-illusion-of-trumps-immigration-ban/#comments)
CNN-SPLC's New Public Enemy: "Social Distancing Deniers" (/mmalkin/cnn-splcs-new-public-enemy-social-distancing-deniers/)
April 17, 2020 â¢Â 20 Comments (/mmalkin/cnn-splcs-new-public-enemy-social-distancing-deniers/#comments)
B (/emargolis/) Eric Margolis / War Reporter at the Top of the World (/author/eric-margolis/)
Lies Won't Stop Covid-19 (/emargolis/lies-wont-stop-covid-19/)
April 18, 2020 â¢Â 46 Comments (/emargolis/lies-wont-stop-covid-19/#comments)
B (/imercer/) Ilana Mercer / The Paleolibertarian Perspective (/author/ilana-mercer/)
The Ethics of Social Distancing: A Libertarian Perspective (/imercer/the-ethics-of-social-distancing-a-libertarian-perspective/)
April 23, 2020 â¢Â 20 Comments (/imercer/the-ethics-of-social-distancing-a-libertarian-perspective/#comments)
B (/trall/) Ted Rall / A Cartoonist Sketches America (/author/ted-rall/)
Why We Need a New Progressive Party and How We Can Create It (/trall/why-we-need-a-new-progressive-party-and-how-we-can-create-it/)
April 18, 2020 â¢Â 54 Comments (/trall/why-we-need-a-new-progressive-party-and-how-we-can-create-it/#comments)
B (/freed/) Fred Reed / Fred On Everything (/author/fred-reed/)
The Universe as Pool Hall (/freed/the-universe-as-pool-hall/)
April 22, 2020 â¢Â 41 Comments (/freed/the-universe-as-pool-hall/#comments)
B (/proberts/) Paul Craig Roberts / American Regime Defector (/author/paul-craig-roberts/)
A Conservative Resurrection? (/proberts/a-conservative-resurrection/)
April 23, 2020 â¢Â 10 Comments (/proberts/a-conservative-resurrection/#comments)
Are You Ready for a Second Wave of Covid-19? (/proberts/are-you-ready-for-a-second-wave-of-covid-19/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â 25 Comments (/proberts/are-you-ready-for-a-second-wave-of-covid-19/#comments)
Closedown vs. No Closedown (/proberts/closedown-vs-no-closedown/)
April 20, 2020 â¢Â 39 Comments (/proberts/closedown-vs-no-closedown/#comments)
Churchillâs War: the Real History of World War II (/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/)
April 19, 2020 â¢Â 588 Comments (/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/?showcomments#comments)
B (/tsaker/) The Saker / The Saker in His Vineyard (/author/the-saker/)
The AngloZionists Are Launching a Strategic PSYOP Against China (/tsaker/the-anglozionists-are-launching-a-strategic-psyop-against-china/)
April 22, 2020 â¢Â 187 Comments (/tsaker/the-anglozionists-are-launching-a-strategic-psyop-against-china/#comments)
B (/estriker/) Eric Striker / Striking for National Justice (/author/eric-striker/)
"Antifa" Organizer Exposed As Member of Elite Political Family (/estriker/antifa-organizer-exposed-as-member-of-elite-political-family/)
April 22, 2020 â¢Â 32 Comments (/estriker/antifa-organizer-exposed-as-member-of-elite-political-family/#comments)
Israeli Lab Claiming to Have COVID-19 Vaccine Is an IDF Biological Warfare Research Facility (/estriker/israeli-lab-claiming-to-have-covid-19-vaccine-is-an-idf-biological-warfare-research-facility/)
April 19, 2020 â¢Â 20 Comments (/estriker/israeli-lab-claiming-to-have-covid-19-vaccine-is-an-idf-biological-warfare-research-facility/#comments)
Podcasts (/audio/channel/kbarrett/) Kevin Barrett / Truth Jihadist (/author/kevin-barrett/)
John Leonard and Mischa Popoff Offer Alternative Views on How to Stay Healthy (/audio/kbarrett_john-leonard-and-mischa-popoff-offer-alternative-views-on-how-to-stay-healthy/)
April 20, 2020 â¢Â Leave a Comment (/audio/kbarrett_john-leonard-and-mischa-popoff-offer-alternative-views-on-how-to-stay-healthy/#comments)
Philosopher David Skrbina on Coronavirus and Technology (/audio/kbarrett_philosopher-david-skrbina-on-coronavirus-and-technology/)
April 18, 2020 â¢Â 7 Comments (/audio/kbarrett_philosopher-david-skrbina-on-coronavirus-and-technology/#comments)
B (/ishamir/) Israel Shamir / The Russian-Israeli-Russian Perspective (/author/israel-shamir/)
Enough Is Enough (/ishamir/enough-is-enough/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â 71 Comments (/ishamir/enough-is-enough/#comments)
B (/jthompson/) James Thompson / Psychological Commenter (/author/james-thompson/)
Critical Care of Fatness? (/jthompson/critical-care-of-fatness/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â 144 Comments (/jthompson/critical-care-of-fatness/#comments)
B (/avltchek/) Andre Vltchek / A Photographer Sees the World (/author/andre-vltchek/)
Why Were Pro-Western Militants Arrested in Hong Kong (/avltchek/why-were-pro-western-militants-arrested-in-hong-kong/)
April 21, 2020 â¢Â 7 Comments (/avltchek/why-were-pro-western-militants-arrested-in-hong-kong/#comments)
B (/wwebb/) Whitney Webb / Disentangling Conspiracy Webbs (/author/whitney-webb/)
Techno-Tyranny: How the US National Security State Is Using Coronavirus to Fulfill an Orwellian Vision (/wwebb/techno-tyranny-how-the-us-national-security-state-is-using-coronavirus-to-fulfill-an-orwellian-vision/)
April 20, 2020 â¢Â 81 Comments (/wwebb/techno-tyranny-how-the-us-national-security-state-is-using-coronavirus-to-fulfill-an-orwellian-vision/#comments)
B (/mwhitney/) Mike Whitney / Economic CounterPuncher (/author/mike-whitney/)
Sweden Is Right. The Economy Should be Left Open (/mwhitney/sweden-is-right-the-economy-should-be-left-open/)
April 17, 2020 â¢Â 309 Comments (/mwhitney/sweden-is-right-the-economy-should-be-left-open/#comments)
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T (/author/audacious-epigone/) Audacious Epigone / HBD & GSS (/anepigone/)
Liberties Lose Again (/anepigone/liberties-lose-again/)
April 22, 2020 â¢Â 70 Comments (/anepigone/liberties-lose-again/#comments)
Econoclysm (/anepigone/econoclysm/)
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Coronaquest, the Futile Search for Reliable Numbers (/anepigone/coronaquest-the-futile-search-for-reliable-numbers/)
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Adultery Rates by Race and Sex (/anepigone/adultery-rates-by-race-and-sex/)
April 18, 2020 â¢Â 155 Comments (/anepigone/adultery-rates-by-race-and-sex/#comments)
Mental Health Among Adults Under 40 by Sex and Political Orientation (/anepigone/mental-health-among-adults-under-40-by-sex-and-political-orientation/)
April 18, 2020 â¢Â 34 Comments (/anepigone/mental-health-among-adults-under-40-by-sex-and-political-orientation/#comments)
Sex, from Committed to Casual (/anepigone/sex-from-committed-to-casual/)
April 18, 2020 â¢Â 130 Comments (/anepigone/sex-from-committed-to-casual/#comments)
Revolution Bends Knee to DNC (/anepigone/revolution-bends-knee-to-dnc/)
April 18, 2020 â¢Â 16 Comments (/anepigone/revolution-bends-knee-to-dnc/#comments)
Adultery Is Not Okay (/anepigone/adultery-is-not-okay/)
April 16, 2020 â¢Â 177 Comments (/anepigone/adultery-is-not-okay/#comments)
From Stock Market to Supermarket (/anepigone/from-stock-market-to-supermarket/)
April 15, 2020 â¢Â 77 Comments (/anepigone/from-stock-market-to-supermarket/#comments)

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