More than 10,000 Kiwis have
added their names to our 'Stop Fast Tracking Co-Governance' petition
since we launched less than a week ago!

signature represents a New Zealand voter urging the Government to keep
its promise of stopping anti-democratic policies – like those we saw
under the last Labour Government.
there are three more things we still need to do to get this over the
line and stamp out co-governance for good.
1. Grab a
"Stop Fast Tracking Co-Governance"
Banner 🪧

Do you have a property that gets a lot of eyes
from the road? We need your support (and fence)! Get in touch by
hitting reply and we will send you a 'Stop Fast Tracking Co-Governance
Like our successful 'Stop Three Waters' banners,
we want these everywhere. The more the better so we can raise
awareness and put pressure on the Government.
Support the cause by replying to this email telling us where
you can put up a banner (and where it should be sent). We have a
limited number to give away (to the best spots) but
we are also selling them via our website here.
>> Yes, I'll
buy a sign to erect on my fence/property
2. Call
your local MP's office ☎️
Friend, each week – without fail – parties hold
'Caucus' meetings. It's here that MPs privately share with their
colleagues exactly what they're hearing from their electorates. So
let's make them hear it...
We want every MP to stand up in Caucus and say their office
has been swamped with calls asking about fast-tracking co-governance.
This will really light a fire under their
the telephone number of your local MPs here. We've
also made a telephone script for you here – make sure you are
on-message (and polite) to the MP's staff – they will be much more
likely to pass on the message.
>> Find
your local MP's telephone number here.
>> Helpful
script to call or leave a message
3. Share
the petition 📤
signatures are good – 20,000 would be better. We will always be a
grassroots-led organisation and our strength comes entirely from our
team of supporters like you joining the fight.
Send this
link to everyone you know who is likely to also care about fighting
for democratic accountability: www.fasttracking.nz
Let's stop co-governance once and for all 🛑 👇
Lastly, we
need your support. Will you chip into our Democracy Fighting Fund so
we can keep the Government honest and stamp out co-governance from New
Zealand once and for all?!
Alternatively, Friend, would you sponsor one (or more)
banners for us to send to another supporter/volunteer who has a spot
on a busy highway?

>> Sponsor a
banner ($48) <<
Sponsor two banners ($96) <<
>> Sponsor
five banners ($240) <<
>> Sponsor ten
banners ($480) <<
Buy a banner for your place <<
again for your support
Jordan @
Taxpayers' Union

From: Jordan Williams Date: Thursday, 25 July 2024 at 1:44
PM Subject: Stop fast-tracking
co-Governance once and for all ⚠️
Hi Friend
We've had
lots of support after Peter Williams's email raising the flag on the
Coalition Government's Fast-Track Bill earlier this month.
In short,
the Government is continuing the Labour's legacy of co-governance in
decisions on consenting, land use, and resource management as part of
their "Fast Track" legislation.
Here at the
Taxpayers' Union, we reject so-called 'co-governance' because it is
the antithesis of democratic accountability.
So with
the support of those who chipped into Peter's call for support, we've
launched 'Stop Fast Tracking Co-Governance' website presenting the
facts and a petition demanding the Government scraps undemocratic
co-governance from its Fast-Track Bill.
you add your name, Friend?

proposed Fast Track Bill includes:
❌ Iwi
appointees on advisory panels: An 'expert advisory
panel' that evaluates projects before recommending their approval
(or rejection) is required to give equal representation to those
appointed by iwi and democratically elected councils.
❌ Special
consultation rights for iwi: To speed up the
consenting process, the public has been shut out of the process – but
iwi and hapū get enhanced consultation rights.
❌ Required
Maori-specific knowledge: Panel members must
'demonstrate knowledge' of Treaty principles, tikanga, and
mātauranga Māori. That will inevitably lead to a continuation of
Labour's Treaty and co-governance approach.
like me, you will be keen to see the days of Labour's divisive,
race-based policies put firmly behind us so we can finally move
forward as a country.
Together we
were successful in turning the dial and pushing back against Three
Waters reforms. Now
we are asking for you to add your name to urge the Government to
deliver on its promise of standing against anti-democratic
co-governance policies.
Like Three
Waters, our
petition allows us to build an army of supporters who are staunch
defenders of democratic decision making.
Adding your
name forces the issue to the top of the Government's agenda and lets
us know you're on board. Will you support this fight and add your
Thanks for
your support , and for making this effort possible.
Jordan @
Taxpayers' Union