Friends, you can reply directly to this e-mail to reach me personally, or I'd be happy to chat over the phone. Let me know. -Bob |
Checking in We've been spending this week checking in with voters, and I'm wondering if you have any questions about my me, my campaign, or my platform. Friends, ahead of the primary, would you care to chat? |
We're trying to undo years of neglect by MAGA extremist Jack Bergman. You deserve accessible leadership. Your contributions help us fund critical outreach. They help me connect with every undecided voter and ensure I stay accountable and responsive to the demands of constituents.
I have an end-of-the-month FEC deadline tonight at midnight. Anything you can contribute will help fuel our fight. |
Friends, Tomorrow, I'm going to publish my vision for the First District, a detailed look at how we can solve many of our problems. Tonight, I want to make sure you have the opportunity to ask questions, and let me know about any issue you'd like me to address.
The primary is next week, Tues. Aug. 6. Absentee voting looked great and early voting is underway. I need you in my corner now more than ever.
Thank you for your continued support, loyalty and generosity. It means the world to me.
I am humbly asking for your vote on Tuesday. It would be the honor of my life to serve you. With deep gratitude, -Bob Bob Lorinser Candidate for US Congress Northern Michigan / Upper Peninsula Democrat, MI01 |
Or, send a check to Friends of Dr. Bob PO BOX 936 Marquette, MI 49855 United States |