Illinois Green Party

John -- 

Illinois Greens Score Major Victory in Lawsuit!

Justice is something for which we constantly struggle but only occasionally obtain in the U.S. legal system. Once in a while, though, we get a measure of it. And we are pleased to announce that this just occurred in the lawsuit we recently filed in federal court in the Northern District of Illinois.

As explained in our last newsletter, Illinois has among the most repressive ballot access laws in the nation, requiring so-called “new” parties to gather 25,000 petition signatures from registered voters, in just 90 days, in order to get their candidates’ names on the November ballot. We have achieved that monumental task a number of times in the last 20 years. However, the public-health measures now in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic made petitioning virtually impossible.

Accordingly, on April 2nd, the Illinois Green Party joined with the Libertarian Party of Illinois and two independent candidates seeking ballot access in a lawsuit filed against Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker and the Illinois State Board of Elections. The lawsuit sought emergency injunctive relief from the petitioning requirement during the 2020 election cycle.

Thanks to great legal work by attorneys Oliver Hall of the Center for Competitive Democracy and Ohio attorney Mark Brown (with an assist by our own Scott Summers), we not only persuaded the court, but even the defendants, that the petitioning requirements were unconstitutional under the current conditions. After some negotiating, the parties came to an agreement that was entered into this preliminary injunction order, accompanying an opinion and order by Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer, explaining the legal basis for the injunction.

The highlights of the preliminary injunction order are as follows:

  • The portions of the Election Code requiring hard copy petition signatures are enjoined (suspended) for this election cycle.


  • Candidates for the Green and Libertarian parties shall qualify for placement on the ballot for each office in which they had previously placed candidates on the ballot in 2018 or 2016, without having to submit any petition signatures. This covers our candidates for our presidential ticket, as well as our U.S. Senate candidate, Rockford attorney David F. Black. Three independent candidates will also qualify for the ballot based on their past ballot access status.


  • Other Green, Libertarian, new party or independent candidates may qualify for the ballot by submitting petition signatures equal to 10 percent of the usual legal requirement, by an extended filing deadline of August 7th. Electronic petition signatures, using a finger or computer mouse or stylus (similar to what many merchants now use for credit card signatures) will be accepted for this purpose.

“This is a great legal victory, not only for the Green and Libertarian parties, but for the voters of Illinois, who have a right to cast their ballot for the candidates and parties of their choosing,” said Illinois Green Party co-chair Rich Whitney. “That right is ordinarily suppressed, and frequently denied altogether, by our state’s unfair ballot access laws. Ironically, the extraordinary conditions created by the pandemic both required and permitted the administrators of that unfair system to do the right thing this one time. We were also fortunate enough to have a judge who clearly understood that the Constitution required the granting of this relief.”

As a result, our presidential candidate, who will either be longtime New York Green Howie Hawkins or Ohio Green Dario Hunter, will appear on the November ballot, giving Illinois voters a badly needed alternative to the dismal and nauseating choices presented by the two corporatist/war machine parties, as will our Senate candidate Black, about whom you will learn more in an upcoming newsletter.

It also means that Murphysboro Green Josh Hellmann will be able to return to the ballot, joining Whitney as a candidate for Jackson County Board. This is in addition to our excellent candidates running for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) of Greater Chicago and other candidates already on the ballot in jurisdictions where we are recognized as an established party. The Green Party may be able to field a few additional candidates under the terms of the injunction; watch our newsletters for future announcements.


Can you help an ally in the cause of peace?

There are only so many publishers of reliable news and information these days, and even fewer that provide reliable information on the peace and environmental movements, and on the wars, arms races and environmental hazards that make these movements so vitally necessary. One of these publishers is Nukewatch, which has been providing valuable reporting on the related threats posed by nuclear weapons and nuclear power since 1979.

Funding is always a challenge for organizations and publications that stand for social progress – including the Green Party – even in the best of times. Under the current conditions, just as millions of workers are struggling to make ends meet, so are many of these organizations, including Nukewatch. We recently learned from one of our members that Nukewatch is now in especially dire straits. Please take a look at this excellent resource, and if you can see your way clear to help out with a small donation, please consider doing so.

Chapters meetings going virtual

While in-person Green Party meetings and events remain on hiatus for obvious reasons, our chapters are learning to adapt by conducting video and/or phone conference calls. If you reside in or near one of our chapters, and haven’t yet gotten involved or been involved lately, you are encouraged to connect with them as we forge ahead into campaign 2020. Here are just a few of the upcoming “virtual” meetings scheduled:

The next meeting of the 50th Ward Green Party will be held via teleconference on Sunday, May 3, at 1:00 p.m.  Please contact George Milkowski at [email protected] or call 773-262-7026 if you would like to attend this meeting.

The Dupage Greens will meet Wednesday, May 13th, 7-8:30pm, via online Video/Audio Conference. Facebook event here.

The Shawnee Green Party (Southern Illinois) will have a virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30 p.m.; contact [email protected] if you do not receive notice by the list-serve.
Illinois Green Party Outreach

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