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Ayanna Pressley for Congress

The stakes in this election couldn’t be clearer.

In Donald Trump’s America, people in every corner of our country could be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term — even one caused by rape or incest. It wouldn’t matter if you live in a “safe blue” state or a “deep red” state.

In Donald Trump’s America, housing prices would continue to skyrocket while people are thrown in jail for being unhoused.

In Donald Trump’s America, fossil fuel companies would thrive while climate change forces our families and loved ones to suffer in cities that are too damn hot and ill-equipped to protect our most vulnerable.

In the America we're building, healthcare and bodily autonomy are human rights.In the America we’re building, working one job is enough. We’re building a world where college opens doors rather than mountains of debt, where everyone has a roof over their head at night, where Black men grow old, where all of our babies – from Massachusetts to Haiti to the Middle East – get a future.

We must stop Trump’s agenda from ever being enacted, and we must work hard to create a future that uplifts and supports us. Make your first gift today and join me in fighting for our vision of an America where progressive values support the people.

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Donald Trump and Republicans have made their agenda clear: to attack our most basic rights and freedoms, destroy our democratic institutions and remove checks and balances to enact widespread harm on everyone who calls America home. I won’t stand for it and I know you won’t either.

When we flip the calendar to August tomorrow, we’ll be just 3 months out from Election Day. Every moment, every vote, and every dollar counts. In order to fight back against Donald Trump and JD Vance’s agenda, our progressive movement needs your support.

Your first donation to this campaign would make a real difference right now. As we prepare for the busy fall months ahead, can I count on you to show your support for this campaign fighting for abortion rights, affordable housing, and people-centered policies in 2024 so we can fight back and defeat their extremism?


Together we can build an America we’re proud to shine our light on.

Yours in service,
