Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Hamas & Hezbollah Hit Hard
The Iranian-backed terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah have been hit hard in the past 24 hours. Both groups are enemies of the United States as well as Israel.
You will recall recently that Hezbollah fired an Iranian-made rocket into Israel targeting children on a soccer field. Twelve children died. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that there would be a “severe response.”
That response has come as Israeli jets took out Fuad Shukr, Hezbollah’s top military commander and second only to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in the terrorist organization’s leadership.
Shukr was directly responsible for the attack that killed the Israeli children, and he directed Hezbollah’s attacks against Israel since October 7th. Shukr was also wanted by the United States for his “central role” in the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut.
Then we woke up this morning to the news that Ismail Haniyeh had been assassinated in Tehran. Haniyeh was considered Hamas’s top political leader and one of just a few primary leaders of Hamas. While it is widely assumed that Israel is responsible for Haniyeh’s death, there has been no official confirmation from the Israeli government.
Haniyeh was in Tehran for the inauguration of Iran’s new president, who is also committed to the destruction of Israel. Predictably, mobs chanted “Death to Israel! Death to America!” during the inauguration.
Incredibly, many media reports are describing Haniyeh as a “moderate” and the “lead negotiator” in ceasefire talks. Really?
Here’s how the “moderate” Haniyeh reacted to the October 7th massacre of more than a thousand innocent Israelis:
“I say to the sons of our Palestinian people and Arab and Islamic nation: Today, you are on the verge of a great triumph and a manifest victory. . . Our goal is clear: We want to liberate our land, our holy places, our Al-Aqsa Mosque, and our prisoners. This is the goal that is worthy of this battle. . .
“We say one thing: Get out of our land, get out of our faces. Get out of our Jerusalem and our Al-Aqsa Mosque. We do not want to see you on this land. This land is ours, Jerusalem is ours, everything is ours.”
Here’s the “moderate” Haniyeh just two months ago calling, not for a ceasefire but for a wider jihad against Israel:
“The free Palestinian people should mobilize on all the fronts – in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, and in the places in the diaspora, where they live as refugees. They need to escalate the confrontation in order to end this brutal aggression, and to accomplish our plan of liberation and the return of the refugees.”
Israel deserves our thanks. Shukr and Haniyeh were evil men. The world is better off without them.
The Butler Cover-up
The acting director of the Secret Service and the deputy director of the FBI testified before key Senate committees yesterday regarding the assassination attempt on Donald Trump at his Butler, Pennsylvania, rally. They didn’t say much, and some of what they said is likely to be false.
For example, FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate told senators that the shooter’s social media comments “appear to reflect anti-Semitic and anti-immigration themes.” Abbate added that he felt it was “important to share” this information because they don’t have anything else that might “reflect on the shooter’s potential mindset and motive.”
Does the FBI deputy director really expect us to believe that someone angry about too much immigration decided to kill Donald Trump? That makes absolutely no sense at all, mainly because it’s just not true.
Here’s what Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab, said after listening to this testimony:
“This is not consistent with Gab’s understanding of the shooter’s motives based on an Emergency Disclosure Request we received from the FBI last week. . . the account for which data was requested was, UNEQUIVOCALLY, pro-Biden and in particular pro-Biden’s immigration policy. To the best of Gab’s knowledge . . . [the shooter] was a pro-lockdown, pro-immigration, left-wing Joe Biden supporter.”
Torba’s statement is not breaking news. He made this information public last week. Thankfully, Senator Marsha Blackburn knew that, and she asked Abbate if Torba’s assessment was accurate.
Abbate then said, “From what I have been told, that is accurate. . . We’re still working to verify that that’s his account. But it does have differing points of view, it would appear.”
So, the deputy director of the FBI was attempting to spin a false narrative to the Senate and the American people that the shooter was “right-wing.” He only corrected his story when he was directly confronted with the “inconvenient” facts.
Unfortunately, there’s more.
A whistleblower inside the Secret Service, a 20-year veteran of the counter sniper team, sent an email to a reporter this week expressing serious concerns about the agency’s leadership.
He said that five high-level supervisors need to be “fired or removed from their current positions,” and warned, “WE ALL SHOULD EXPECT ANOTHER [ASSASSINATION] ATTEMPT BEFORE NOVEMBER.”
The Feminist Candidate?
Kamala Harris held a rally in Atlanta yesterday. Reports suggest it was her biggest rally to date, with roughly 10,000 people attending. Harris is betting her whole campaign on running up the biggest gender gap America has ever seen. She wants to beat us so badly among women that none of the other 51 genders will make any difference. (That’s a joke.)
So, who did Harris use to draw such a large audience yesterday? Prior to her remarks, female rapper Megan Thee Stallion fired up the crowd. If you’re not familiar with her work, she is most well-known for the song “Wet A** P***y.”
This woman grossly objectifies women as purely sexual objects. Yet this is the woman that the “feminist” presidential candidate uses to draw a crowd.
Meanwhile, Harris supporters have been holding a number of large Zoom events. One of the speakers during the “Women for Harris” event was transgender activist Charles Clymer.
He now calls himself “Charlotte.” And like Dylan Mulvaney, who single-handedly destroyed Bud Light, Clymer claims to be an authority on feminism and what it means to be a woman.
But Clymer has been accused of regularly being abrasive and hostile to actual women who have the audacity to tell him the truth: He is not a woman and has no idea what he’s talking about.
Weird Traps
Feminist author and journalist Naomi Wolf is not a household name among most conservatives. But once a darling of the left, Wolf has come to see the woke progressive left for what it really is – deceitful and intolerant.
Now she has a message for the GOP: Stop falling for Democrat tricks. Wolf believes that the coordinated campaign to label Donald Trump and J.D. Vance as “weird” is a strategy to put them on defense and distract voters from the issues.
Republicans should stop being defensive. Stop it! Ignore the left’s latest smear. Attack, attack, attack on the issues!
Don’t get into a national argument about “who’s weirder.” Start a national argument about policy and the issues that impact the daily lives of working Americans.
2024 Update
Nate Silver, a left-leaning statistician, just updated his latest model for the 2024 election now that Democrats have swapped candidates. Previously, Silver gave Joe Biden just a 27% chance of winning the election. Now he gives Kamala Harris a 38% chance of winning. But there’s a catch.
Silver’s analysis indicates that Harris will likely win the popular vote but will lose the Electoral College. He notes that Trump is currently leading in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina, while Michigan and Pennsylvania lean toward Trump, and Wisconsin is a toss-up.
This is fairly good news, but it tells us that we are facing the same danger we faced four years ago. Accepting the 2020 vote totals for the sake of argument, Joe Biden only won the White House by roughly 75,000 votes spread across four states.
The left doesn’t need to manufacture millions of votes. They only have to cheat just enough in the states where the race is closest. To stop the steal this time, conservatives must turn out in massive numbers, especially in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Every last breathing person who loves America must vote!
