Part-Timer promotes the interests of part-time faculty working in the California community colleges. It contains news about the movement to establish better conditions of employment for adjunct faculty, both in California and North America.
Part-Timer is published twice during the academic year. We welcome unsolicited articles, letters, and story ideas. Please send letters, submissions, or other inquiries to CFT Communications Specialist: Nason McCarthy [email protected]
Yuba College Federation of Teachers Historic Contract Win: How They Got There
As of June 13th, after a long and challenging two-year campaign, Yuba College Federation of Teachers, a part-time only local, secured full time equivalent coverage for faculty working over 40% of a full-time load. Part-time faculty now enjoy the same number of steps and columns on their salary schedule as full-time faculty, and are paid a proportional 80% of what full-time faculty earn. Office hours are now paid at the instructional rate–a significant leap from just $25 an hour in the previous contract.
Lives Transformed by CFT’s Part-time Healthcare Campaign
To date, 14 different CFT locals have secured AB 190 Option 1 programs (Full-time faculty equivalent healthcare for Part-time faculty working over 40% of a full-time load). These CFT local union part-time successes have both saved and changed lives for the better.
CFT Pushes Forward on a Vision of a One-Tier/Unified Faculty Model
CFT’s One-Tier Task force and CFT members, after over eight months of discussion, have created a definitive list of basic components deemed essential for what a one-faculty model should look like in the California community college system.
The work is the result of a team of core community college union leaders and activists, composed equally of both part and full-time members.