Ilhan knows her stuff, and we need her back in Congress. But that's not something any of us can do alone — and we don’t get what we don’t fight for.

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Team, it's Elizabeth Warren, reaching out to ask if you can split a contribution of $10 today to support my friend Ilhan Omar ahead of her important primary election in Minnesota next month, and help strengthen our progressive movement.

Here's why I’m asking:

Throughout her first three terms in Congress, Ilhan has been a terrific progressive champion for Minnesota's 5th district and a leading voice for working families nationwide.

Ilhan has been a partner to me in Washington on a number of issues, and I can say with certainty that the very first thing people notice about Ilhan is that she is a fighter.

Ilhan's fighting for an economy that delivers for working families — not large financial institutions and the ultra-wealthy who can hire powerful Washington lobbyists and corporate lawyers.

Ilhan's fighting for an immigration system that prioritizes justice and humanity for people seeking a better life in the United States — not one centered on punishment and fear.

Ilhan's fighting for abortion rights and the freedom for women to control their own bodies — not right-wing politicians and Republican state legislatures.

Ilhan's fighting for canceling student loan debt, putting an end to a generational crisis that's holding back our economy and crushing millions of families nationwide — not loan providers and debt collectors preying on the hopes and dreams of young people.

Ilhan's fighting for Medicare for All, and a future where healthcare is seen as a basic human right and nobody goes broke because of a medical bill — not the bottom-line of the insurance companies and Big Pharma.

Ilhan's fighting for a Green New Deal and combating the climate crisis through bold, aggressive action to save our planet — not fossil fuel giants and corporate polluters destroying it for profit.

Ilhan's fighting hard each and every day for all of this and so much more, both at home in Minnesota and for working people across our country. And today she's counting on our progressive movement to stand with her in that fight.

Throughout all of her campaigns for Congress, Ilhan's gone up against millions of dollars in outside super PAC spending and faced vicious, bigoted attacks from extremist Republicans. But time and time again, she has shown incredible resilience, out-working and out-organizing the powerful special interests who want to see her fail. That’s been possible because of the support from this team, and she needs our support again to keep fighting in Congress.

So Team, if you're able, can you please split a $10 contribution to support Ilhan, and our re-election campaign today? With just 13 days to go until primary day in Minnesota, anything you can chip in will help show that this grassroots movement is stronger than ever.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your split contribution to Elizabeth Warren and Ilhan Omar will go through immediately:

Thanks for being a part of this,

Elizabeth Warren




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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033