

Did you know that of all of our thousands of supporters across the country, only about 1,000 see David’s emails the same day he sends them?


That’s true for a lot of campaigns, so if you’re reading this on Wednesday, THANK YOU for being one of our most engaged supporters.


The November election is fast approaching, and David needs every single one of us to help him keep up.


Our July fundraising deadline is TONIGHT at midnight, and we’re just under $2,000 short of hitting our goal. If we don’t close the gap, we may not have the budget to follow through on our plans for August.


We need everyone reading this to chip in just $2 today, if you can. That’s less than a cup of coffee, John! Are you able to help us stay on track to unseat MAGA Mike Simpson? It’ll only take a minute.

There are only three remaining fundraising deadlines after tonight, and then ID-02 will cast their votes for either our guy or Trump’s guy. We know David can beat Mike Simpson, but only if we hit every single goal from now until then.


David’s last email received a great response from folks who opened it on Monday, so we’re sharing it again below in case you missed it.

Thanks for keeping us going, John!

Team Roth



I spent Saturday at the Bonneville County Democrats’ annual summer picnic with voters and Democrats running for local office. 


There’s an expression I heard from one of the attendees that I’m sure you’ve heard before, too.


“They say ‘democracy is at stake’ every election.”


No, they don’t, and we need to stop saying it.


Democracy was not at stake in 2008 when Barack Obama won against John McCain. It wasn’t at stake in 2012 when Mitt Romney almost made Obama a one-term president. I can’t remember a time before then when democracy was on the line, either.


U.S. politics has always been ugly. But it wasn’t always dangerous or a fight for our freedoms like it is today. That’s what I hoped to convey with my speech this past weekend.

A photo of David speaking to voters at the Bonneville County Democrats annual picnic on Saturday, July 27th.

In my first email to you this month, I said “the country is changing, and it’s changing FAST.” John, I had no idea how evident that would be this month.


Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt by a member of his own party.


J.D. Vance, a Christian Nationalist who supports federal prosecutions of women who travel out-of-state for an abortion, was added to the GOP presidential ticket.


Hundreds of folks at the Republican National Convention held up signs calling for “MASS DEPORTATION NOW,” like a crowd of Nazis wearing ear bandages instead of swastikas.


Trump told supporters that if he wins in November, they won’t have to vote in 2028 because “it will be FIXED.” That was after his friend Kevin Roberts told Real America’s Voice that Republicans are leading a “second American Revolution” and threatened to make it violent. 


President Biden withdrew from the election and endorsed Kamala Harris, deciding that he isn’t our best hope of beating Trump and nothing else is more important. If that’s not a sign of the times we’re living in, I don’t know what is.


And in case you forgot, this is the first month in American history that a sitting president can commit practically any crime he (or she!) wants without facing consequences. 


All of that happened in less than 30 days. When Democrats say democracy is at stake and that we have to fight for the future of our country, it’s not rhetoric. It’s reality. And it’s why I’m running for Congress.


John, we are still about $5,600 away from hitting our July fundraising goal, and I need all the help I can get so my team and I can free Congress from MAGA extremist Mike Simpson. Can you please pitch in ANYTHING to help us close the gap?

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We’ve forgotten how boring elections used to be. We’ve been a country in chaos for so many years now that the slow dismantling of U.S. norms and institutions feels like another day in the news.


We don’t feel the weight of it, but we have to if we’re going to stop it. We have to feel it, help other people feel it, and do everything we can to get back our power and protect our democracy.




David Roth is a single, gay dad running for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. We’re going up against a GOP incumbent who has been in this seat for 25 years. It’s time for change in Idaho, and our grassroots campaign is building on the momentum that began in David’s race for U.S. Senate last cycle. The GOP is not planning to defend this seat, so we plan to take it from them and help Democrats retake the House majority next year. We’d love your support to build a solid campaign to bring progress to Idaho and the country.


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Paid for by David Roth for Idaho

©2024 David Roth for Idaho, all rights reserved.


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David Roth for Idaho

2184 Channing Way #114

Idaho Falls, ID 83404


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