The days between now and the election are numbered and counting down.
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“People before Politics. Country before Party.”
Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Join our coalition
Dear Friend,
It’s time we heeded the wise words of George Washington, who warned against the perils of political parties.
President George Washington, after serving as the first Independent President, delivered a farewell address critiquing the formation of political parties.
Washington warned that political parties are characterized by “...the alternate domination of one faction over another,” giving rise to “the spirit of revenge.”
He advised that political parties could become engines that “subvert the power of the people.”
Today, we see the wisdom of Washington’s warnings.
The Democratic and Republican parties’ alternating domination has been sharpened by a spirit of revenge. Accusations and bitter recriminations have created a divide in American political life, perhaps second only to the Civil War.
This is why I have adopted as my campaign slogan, “People before Politics. Country before Party.”
It’s time we think about what’s good for the country, not our party. It’s time we prioritize the welfare of the people over momentary political advantage. It’s long past time we embrace ideas and principles that unite us rather than tear us apart.
That’s what my Independent campaign for president is all about. If that resonates with you, then I ask for your support.
Donate Now
In the face of the grave crisis of leadership America faces today, passive agreement is not enough. We need bold and decisive action. I need the enthusiastic and active support of good men and women.
Please contribute as much as you can to my campaign. The dollars you donate serve as a megaphone to amplify the message of unity against divisiveness and strengthen the spirits of open debate against the dark demons of secrecy, censorship, and unjustified exclusion.
The days between now and the election are numbered and counting down. We have an important FEC filing deadline on July 31.
The situation is urgent, so I ask you to donate as much as you can today.
Thank you for your unwavering dedication to my campaign.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Donate Now
Kennedy-Shanahan 24

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Would you like help donating?
Call: 805-728-9443 and you can get help from a campaign staffer.

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