Dear John

Here's your weekly update from Church Action on Poverty. As usual, we have stories of how people are staying connected during the Coronavirus outbreak, and resources to help you do the same.

Gather with us: Tuesday 28th April, 2pm

Join our 60-minute virtual gathering at 2pm on Tuesday 28 April. We use Zoom - you can connect using a computer or smartphone, or you can dial in using a normal phone.

This week, we'll be looking at the issue of digital exclusion.

Click below to see a report from last week's gathering and join this one:

Gather with us



SPARK Online

SPARK is Church Action on Poverty's print newsletter, usually circulated to all of our supporters three times a year.
This issue of SPARK is available to read or download online. It focuses on how we can stay connected during this challenging time. It's full of stories of how communities are looking out for one another and making sure no one is left behind. It also has tips on how to look after yourself in lockdown - including ideas for reaching, reflection, and social contact.


Church on the Margins

What does it mean to be a Church on the Margins in a time of coronavirus? Join our weekly space for shared reflection in these challenging times, exploring what it means to be a ‘church on the margins’ and to seek to be attentive to and inclusive of those on margins of society in the current crisis?

2pm every Thursday.
Find out more and sign up here

Reflections on living in lockdown

Church Action on Poverty trustee Stef Benstead is sharing her reflections on the impact lockdown has on her life, as a person with chronic illness who's supported by benefits.
Read Stef's reflection on isolation

Read Stef's reflection on sustainability

Read Stef's reflection on grief

Read Stef's reflection on money

Read Stef's reflection on shopping

Why we aren't all in this together

Our Empowerment Programme Officer Ben Pearson shares some reflections on class and COVID-19.
Read the full article here

The churches' role in responding to Coronavirus

Stef Benstead is also sharing some theological reflections on how our churches are called to respond to the crisis.

Our new urgency to be kind

Gavin Aitchison reflects on the importance of kindness during the lockdown.

Read Gav's post here​

We'll be in touch again next week - and we hope we'll see you at our gathering on the margins. In the meantime, stay safe and stay connected.

Best wishes

Felicity Guite
Church Action on Poverty