This is an emergency call to action. The Defense Dept. plans to destroy beagle puppies. It’s a hard government deadline. Read below to take action or unsubscribe.
Taxpayer—bumping this.
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I want to start by saying that we completely understand not everyone can contribute to every fundraiser. This doesn't diminish how incredibly grateful we are for your support...
Taxpayer,YOU—and the rest of our grassroots army—make it all possible. We love you.
However, only 273 people donated to our emergency campaign to rescue a batch of baby beagles from the Dept. of Defense’s (DOD) experiments.
Dogs in government labs—like the Pentagon Puppies—suffer especially extreme abuse. In these kinds of drug tests, a puppy’s mouth is closed with masking tape:
“Force-feeding puppies experimental drugs and covering their mouths to prevent regurgitation.”
– Daily Caller
They stuffed her mouth with an experimental chemical—and literally TAPED it shut so she couldn’t spit out the poison. Our investigators uncovered lab documents in which the beagle’s cheeks turned red and swollen.
The DOD is also a very powerful agency with a $825 BILLION budget. So, fighting them costs us a lot.
At this point, the only way we can afford to continue campaigning for the cancellation of DOD contract #HT94252310580 is if we can get another 1,250 taxpayers and pet owners to give $20.
Or, if a lot more folks chip in just $1.30—ten cents for each week of testing the Pentagon Puppies will suffer.
If we must pause our efforts due to a lack of funding, DOD may proceed with another round of force-feeding and beagle poisoning.
Sweet beagles may soon undergo 13 WEEKS of suffering. The DOD admits it. That’s 91 days of torture!
Drug tests like this are often the MOST PAINFUL in the federal government. No anesthesia. No pain relief.
Taxpayer, I am grateful that we uncovered this experiment in time to save the Pentagon Puppies. Most lab dogs aren’t so lucky.
Beagles deserve better than to have their mouths taped shut in a lab. Don’t you agree?
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MaryAnn Hussey Lead Designer White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. More info below. If you’re not able to donate today, I understand. Thank you for all you do to help dogs in taxpayer-funded labs. We love you!
Taxpayer, I’ll get right to the point.
Unless you take action, a batch of baby beagles—the “Pentagon Puppies”—may suffer and die in a lab funded by the U.S. Dept. of Defense (DOD).
The Pentagon’s official contract for animal testing is coming up on deadline.
They may push for MORE funding in 96 HOURS!
Emergency Deadline: We just started a new rapid response campaign to help save the Pentagon Puppies. Follow this secure link to chip in!
Save the Pentagon Puppies
STOP PAYOUT #HT94252310580 >>
Taxpayer, in these kinds of tests, here’s what happens to dogs.
Emergency Deadline
Taxpayer, here’s the galling part.
The DOD knows this is pointless. They admit it!!!
"Animal models have limited relevance to humans and poorly predict effects in humans."
— U.S. Department of Defense
These are the DOD’s own words. So, the Pentagon Puppies suffer and die for NOTHING.
And here’s the real problem: the DOD’s contract expiration deadline is MIDNIGHT on Wednesday.
So, we’ve got a golden opportunity—but an unusually tight window—to intercept.
Save the Pentagon Puppies
STOP PAYOUT #HT94252310580 >>
The key to stopping a government experiment is to stop the money from hitting the beagle lab’s bank account—BEFORE the testing begins.
Our strategy is simple yet extremely effective: Stop the Money. Stop the Madness!
It's how we:
Taxpayer, no other group has shut down a single federal dog lab in nearly twenty years!
And we’re building bipartisan momentum in Congress.
We also just passed legislation in the House of Representatives to de-fund cat AND dog experiments funded and run by the DOD. Every. Single. One!
Unfortunately, we’re going to need a lot more support to save the Pentagon Puppies in the next 96 hours. We have NOT covered our budget for this campaign!
So please, please, PLEASE rush $1.30 or whatever you can afford before the deadline.
Please help us stop payout #HT94252310580, support all our life-saving campaigns, and save the Pentagon Puppies!
Let’s get this done,
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Claudia Taylor WCW Investigator White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. Taxpayer, this is a hard government deadline. Help us save the Pentagon Puppies by rushing $1.30—just 10 cents for each week of torture these beagles endure. Here’s your secure link to help them. —Claudia