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We [heart] volunteers!

It's National Volunteer Appreciation Week and PEAK has much to celebrate. Our organization is led, nationally and regionally, by more than 200 volunteers – and their enduring commitment to PEAK, and to supporting fellow members through this trying time, makes us especially grateful to them all.



Community Conversation #3 | Managing Responsive Grantmaking during the COVID-19 Crisis

On April 30, join our third member forum for a deep dive into streamlining grantmaking practices. Janet Camarena, PEAK board member and Candid Learning Director, will report on how grantmakers are reducing the applicant and reporting burden, and ways to improve application and RFP processes. 



Three keynotes, 14 breakouts, chapter meetings, and a virtual expo

Starting up May 5: Invitations to the complete program have been sent to PEAK Organization Members and conference registrants who generously forwent refunds. We welcome the broader community to join us for the kickoff event, attend regional chapter meetings, and explore the Virtual Expo.


Visit our COVID-19 hub to review the latest posts and share how your foundation is responding to the crisis and supporting grantees.

Join this week’s trending conversations:

Help a colleague out by sharing your advice: Not yet in CONNECT?

Upcoming Events

April 30 | Virtual
Community Conversation #3 | Managing Responsive Grantmaking During the COVID-19 Crisis

May 5 | Virtual
PEAK Annual Membership Meeting & PEAK2020 Online Kick-Off Virtual Happy Hour

May 5-28 | Virtual
Keynotes + Breakouts + Chapter Meetings + Virtual Expo


Weekly Reads

“The time of COVID-19 feels like a natural moment of contraction. You may find yourself second-guessing whether now is the time to engage in growth-focused activities. Should you really be pushing a strategic planning process right now? Applying an equity tool to your grants portfolio? Providing capacity-building support to grantee partners? As Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC)-owned small businesses and partners to grantees, we are here to tell you that this work is crucial in the midst of COVID-19."  [more]
– Melissa DeShields, Linetta Gilbert, Keecha Harris, and Trista Harris, on Frontline Solutions blog

“Many in the disability community have been sharing a combination of validation and frustration that many of the accommodations we have been requesting or demanding from our employers (remote work options, paid sick leave, and other flexible policies designed around our health) have suddenly been enacted after being denied to us for so long.”  [more]
– Robyn Deutsch, Nicolette Cappiello, and Sara Minkara, on Candid blog

“Restricted grants imply that funders can see more than the nonprofit about the need, the situation on the ground, the best way to respond. The funders who actually think this way are few and far between. More common are the funders who believe what I believe—that those closest to the problem are closest to the solution...”  [more]
– Claire Knowlton, Nonprofit Finance Fund, in Nonprofit Quarterly

PEAK Grantmaking
1666 K St NW Ste 440
Washington, DC 20006-1242

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