Hannah Wise · While Hannah is handling her holiday budget and has the possibility to dip into an overdraft, Switzerland has a debt brake to avoid piling up extra debt. When looking at the federal budget Hannah makes clear: The federal government will have to step up but so too will the cantons!
In the Avenir Suisse Summer Series, our researchers reveal where savings can be made in the CHF 86 billion federal budget. In the process, they uncover several surprises.
When Taxpayers Cover Marketing Costs
The initial idea behind projects to support tourism and regional development is far outdated says author Lukas Schmid. Many projects would also be implemented without public funding. Nevertheless, the federal government invests millions of francs every year that could be saved.
Foreign talent account for half of Switzerland’s innovation output and are therefore crucial to the country’s success as a business place. To continue this way, simplifying procedures for graduates from third countries and introducing “start-up visas” is recommended in the short term.
In Switzerland, the marketing organization Switzerland Tourism benefits from subsidies that are five times higher per overnight stay than its counterpart in Austria. (LAG/LUS)
Upcoming Publication
Public Transport in The Cities
The upcoming analysis compares over 100,000 public transport connections in Swiss cities and shows: With an average speed of 8,3 km/h it is not much faster than a bike or E-Scooter. This moderate performance reflects the conflicts of objectives in the industry.
Lukas Rühli, Eveline Hutter, Benjamin Brückner
The team of Avenir Suisse wishes you a happy National Holiday on August 1st!