john, this is Jon Tester.
I’m coming to you with an urgent request: My team just let me know that a major super PAC is launching a seven figure ad buy to defeat me and I need your help to fight back—like now.
There’s a whole lot of money pouring into this race. Luckily, I have enough fingers to count it all:

7 fingers for 7 figures
This new surge of outside spending comes right as our race is narrowing. Montanans are set to see $65 million worth of ads boosting my opponent and distorting my record—right as voting begins.
I’ll be direct, john: Unlike Mitch McConnell and my multimillionaire opponent, I can’t dump millions of dollars into my campaign. But I’m fortunate to have something they don't have which is even more valuable—you.
Mitch McConnell and my opponent may have seven figures to spend against me—but I’ve got you. If you’re able, will you split $7 or more between my campaign and Tina Smith’s to help me win this year?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Jon Tester and Tina Smith will go through immediately:
Thank you,