There’s still more to do – but don’t overlook progress.

Hey friend,

It’s easy to look at everything happening today and wonder if anything has changed. We’ll be the first to tell you — there’s still a heck of a lot more to do when it comes to school safety. But we wanted to highlight some of the amazing progress we’ve made:

  • Created the Stand With Parkland Grant Programs to work with Critical Event Response Applications (CERA) and SaferWatch to protect our schools from active events or developing threats ✅
  • Partnered with the Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center to enhance school safety and support the bipartisan EAGLES Act ✅
  • Supported the establishment of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention to help address violence in our schools ✅
  • And successfully advocated for the 2024 Florida School Safety Act, which extended the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission and takes several measures to improve school safety in Florida ✅

And this isn’t even the half of it.

For 6 years, Stand With Parkland has been committed to achieving actual results, working in a pragmatic, bipartisan way to get things done and ensure that making schools safer is a top priority around the country.

And with your continued support, friend, we’re going to keep working at it. Please consider helping us put an end to the epidemic that is school violence — because we won’t stop until it’s eradicated.


Thank you for your support,

Stand with Parkland


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Stand with Parkland
5944 Coral Ridge Dr. #273
Coral Springs, FL 33076
United States