President Trump is trying to bankrupt the United States Postal Service -- and if we don’t take action right now, Congress might let him get away with it.
That’s because during this financial crisis, Congress has spent hundreds of billions to bail out corporations -- but won't give the USPS any of the funding it needs. And without action from Congress, the Postal Service -- which has been hit particularly hard -- could be bankrupt in the next few months.
I’m especially thankful for the USPS during this pandemic -- and I’m sure you are, too. Americans are using it every day to stay in touch with loved ones, to receive life-saving medications, and to keep up on the news.
I’m also planning to cast my ballot by mail this November, too -- as are millions of my fellow voters. And just this month, I used the USPS to do my civic duty and send in my 2020 Census form as well.
But President Trump says he’ll veto any stimulus bill if it funds the USPS. He’s escalating his attacks on mail-in voting -- first by spreading disinformation from his presidential bully pulpit, and now by trying to make it impossible for anyone to vote by mail this November.
But Friend, I find it hard to believe that Trump would actually follow through on his threat -- with a stimulus bill that funds the USPS on his desk, and his re-election prospects depending on Americans getting relief.
That means for the sake of our democracy, we need to call Trump’s bluff -- and put every single member of Congress on notice that we are watching.
So, I’m asking Common Cause members like you -- who can spare a contribution right now -- to step up to help win this fight. Can you make a contribution of $3 to help us save the USPS and mobilize millions of Americans in defense of this necessary public service?
This isn’t the first time politicians have tried to gut public services like the USPS -- so they can be exploited for private profit. But it’s particularly shameful during a pandemic -- when millions of Americans (and our democracy) rely on a strong and functional Postal Service.
It’s a simple question: will members of Congress side with Trump’s efforts to block a free and fair 2020 election? Or will they fund an overwhelmingly popular public service that millions of Americans -- Republican, Democrat, and Independent -- rely on every single day?
I’m confident this is a fight we can win -- but only if we can rely on your help. Common Cause members like you have already been a crucial voice in Congress’s negotiations -- and you helped secure necessary oversight and election funding in the first round of COVID-19 response legislation.
But the next bill -- which negotiations are beginning on now -- will be an even higher-stakes fight. For the sake of our democracy, we need your help to make sure all of our priorities -- election funding, rural broadband, oversight of bailout money, and a strong and resilient USPS -- are included.
Right now, you can help make sure Congress hears the people’s voice loud and clear. If you are able to, please make your contribution today >>
Thank you for helping to protect our democracy,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Join our webinar this Sunday, April 26
at 7:30 p.m. Eastern to hear from Common Cause experts how we
are fighting for democracy in the time of coronavirus, and how you can
help make a difference.
We’ll focus on the different options for mail-in voting to learn from
leaders who’ve implemented these reforms and the activists fighting to
expand them. Space is limited, so please RSVP to reserve your spot today >>