From Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers <[email protected]>
Subject Breaking news about the state of the race
Date April 24, 2020 2:05 PM
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Hi John,

It amazes me how the Dems manage to politicize every single national crisis.

Just recently, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer tried to defeat a bipartisan bill intended to help tens of millions of Americans- for purely partisan reasons, so they can include extraneous items like funding for sex change operations, abortions, the Green New Deal, and other pork barrel liberal giveaways!

The socialist Dems can't overcome their hatred of President Trump and do not want America to succeed, even in a crisis that requires us to unite.

Democrats in Fresno, CA passed an ordinance to take away their citizens' gun rights and ability to buy alcohol.

Dems in Bellingham, WA and New Orleans also are taking advantage of the crisis to revoke their citizens' Second Amendment rights.

Dems in Boston ended all non-elective medical procedures, EXCEPT abortions.

The Dem Governor of California is talking about imposing martial law on the state.

The Democrats in Florida literally arrested a pastor who held a church service that complied with social distancing standards.

What is important to keep in mind in this crisis, is that there is literally no safe time from the Democrats' lust for power. On every level, they will take your freedoms and your money if it suits them.

This is why it's so important to win Republican races on every level. The Democrats right now hate America and especially hate Republicans. They will act against you if they can, from any position.

They will do everything they can to take advantage of this crisis.

And I need your help to stop them!

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When this crisis is over, we are going to need patriots to support President Trump’s pro America, pro-growth, pro jobs agenda. We will need to make up for all of these lost jobs and revenue by our great companies due to this virus.


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My name is Lt Col Wendy Rogers (ret), as you may have heard from previous communication.

In 1976, I was commissioned as a 5th generation military officer into the United States Air Force. In 1981, I was honored to be one of the first 100 women pilots in today’s Air Force, earning my wings at Williams Air Force Base right here in Arizona.

I went on to pilot for worldwide airlift and humanitarian missions in the C-141 transport jet for several years and served as a flight instructor for cadets at the US Air Force Academy.

The latter half of my 20-year Air Force career landed me in Europe, where I piloted Air Force C-21 Learjets and led three different operational divisions at US Air Forces Headquarters in Europe.

I was honored to earn the Defense Meritorious Service Medal for my time in the service. I was able to achieve these things because I love America, I love Arizona and I am committed to the preservation of liberty and freedom.


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Now I'm working hard running this race, fighting against Bloomberg money and Soros' globalist empire. Soros and Bloomberg BOTH have targeted my district as one of the top races they want to flip to Democrat. My district has been in Republican hands for as long as I can remember.

I must win this election and with your contribution of $15, $60, or $100 or more

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I will be able to mount a dominating campaign against my opponent. Please send whatever you can right away.

When this election is over, I want the left-wing socialist billionaires to cry in their silky handkerchiefs that they couldn't defeat us. They couldn't turn Arizona blue.

This state is too important to our nation and to helping President Trump win reelection.

Please support me

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so that I can reach our very important goal. Give today. This is why I need your URGENT response.

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We have a critical fundraising deadline at the end of this month and I am still several thousand dollars short.

Friend, now I am running for the Arizona State Senate to provide much needed leadership in an incredibly divided government that is too often focused on fending off extreme liberal ideas that endanger our residents, fail to provide for public safety and threaten our state’s economy.

I have been fighting to protect our southern border in Arizona and I have been fighting hard to preserve our precious second amendment.

Earlier this year the city of Tucson held a vote to become a sanctuary city. Thanks to my leadership and other conservatives in Arizona, we were able to defeat that ballot measure. Tucson WILL NOT be a sanctuary city for illegals. We won the vote decisively. Here is the breakdown:


I have also been fighting to ban sanctuary cities through the Arizona Constitution which would stop the liberal illegal alien effort dead in its tracks.

I have also been very vocal about ensuring our Arizona counties defend the Second Amendment by passing resolutions and ordinances reaffirming our rights to keep and bear arms.

Leadership is hard, patriot. I get a lot of blowback when I stand up for what is right. The establishment can’t stand how outspoken I am. But I get results. People respond when I speak up. So, I keep leading.

Now it is up to you

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to make sure I am elected to the Arizona State Senate and can kick this conservative fight for our Republic into overdrive.

But the horrifying details behind the crisis on our southern border doesn’t deter today’s Democrat party from running to the defense of criminal illegal aliens, even in a time of crisis. They proudly proclaimed in the Democratic debates that illegal border crossings should be “decriminalized”, and that blanket amnesty was somehow appropriate policy.

This is a clear and present danger to Arizona and the American people -- and its why I need your critical support. A contribution of $15, $35, $60 or $100

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will go a long way in fending off the radical left and keeping Arizona red.

As the next Senator from Arizona’s 6th District, I will fight boldly and without hesitation or political correctness to defend our southern border, help ICE and the border patrol deport criminal illegal aliens, and adopt statewide policies that equip our men and women in law enforcement with the tools they need to report these criminal aliens to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

I am committed to a Conservative Arizona & America First Agenda:

*** Secure our borders, ban sanctuary cities and crack down on illegals -- Defend our borders and sovereignty by putting Arizonans and Americans first. Immigrants are welcome, as long as they come legally. We have a major crisis at the border and I will work to address this problem every day I am in office.

*** Protect our right to keep and bear arms -- Arizona must lead the way in defending our right to keep and bear arms. I will vote against any gun control measure or gun ban. We need more guns, fewer gun-free zones, and stronger protections for gun owners.

*** Defend life -- I support all laws that protect life in the womb. I believe in life at conception and I believe our laws should protect all living souls, including those who are the most vulnerable in the womb.

*** Protect Religious Liberty -- I support protecting the religious liberty of all so they do not have to worry about persecution, lawsuits, or losing their job to practice their faith. I support Bible electives and prayer in public schools. I support Christian businesses to be able to conduct commerce in accordance with their convictions.

*** More jobs, fiscal responsibility and economic growth -- We must protect the free market by keeping regulations and taxes low. I support any and all ways to allow businesses to conduct commerce in Arizona. We must unleash the free market.

*** Take care of our veterans -- Arizona needs to do more to take care of our great veterans. They put their lives on the line for us, we need to help take care of them and their families. I will strive to find new ways to help veterans. Democrats are putting illegal aliens higher on the priority list than our veterans and it stops now.

It is more important than ever that our Republican candidates put forward bold, conservative solutions to real issues facing Arizona and our nation today!

But we also must be forward with voters about the clear differences between our campaign and our Democrat rivals. If the Democrats are allowed to flip Arizona blue, they will alter America, take the presidency from President Trump, and legislate a radical agenda that is opposed to our values.

Please, consider an urgent contribution

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toward our critical $50,000 fundraising goal by midnight, at the end of this month. Your support of $15, $35, $60 or $100

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will power our effort to defeat the Democrats’ radical agenda.

There is too much at stake to flag or fail and our home is in danger of going the way of Venezuela and other hyper-socialist nations that fail their citizens.

If the Democrats take over Arizona and flip our state blue, they will immediately seek to:

*** Enact Universal healthcare for Criminal Illegal Aliens -- The threat is real, and if this becomes policy, criminal aliens will drain our public resources as Arizona taxpayers foot the bill for their “free” healthcare.

*** Pass Unconstitutional New Gun Control -- every single Democratic candidate this year has now gone on record supporting, not just sweeping new gun control measures, but disastrous “gun buyback” schemes with aims to seize weapons from law abiding citizens.

*** Advance their offensive “War on Police” -- today’s Democratic party does not value public safety the way most law-abiding citizens do. They routinely push narratives and policies that make life for our men and women in law enforcement more dangerous on the “thin blue line.”

*** Raise taxes on the middle class -- Democrats love to talk about all the new and expensive government programs they want to create, but their only solution to pay for these programs is new taxes that squeeze business and punish the job creators in Arizona.

*** Use tax dollars to prop up the evil abortion industry -- Democrats support for Planned Parenthood and the evil abortion lobby, at taxpayer expense, have killed many millions of defenseless unborn children across America.

Friend, I can’t win this battle without your help. Please, consider returning a contribution of $10, $20, $50, $100

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or whatever you can afford right now to help us meet our July 31st $30,000 goal and keep this seat in Republican control.

Our campaign for Arizona’s 6th District Senate seat will determine control of the Arizona Senate next November and your vital support will be key in fending off Democrat lies and smears. And I just found out that George Soros is targeting my district alone with over a million dollars in attack ads.

Last year, I learned first-hand how vicious our opposition is willing to be to flip Arizona blue, not just for their local candidates, but to defeat President Trump as well. We must be prepared to fight back against their lies.

People are lining up behind my campaign. Recently, I announced the endorsement of America’s border security sheriff, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Here is what Sheriff Joe said when he endorsed:

"As I previously stated months ago when she filed and announced, I strongly endorse Air Force Lt Colonel Wendy Rogers for the Arizona State Senate. At a time when our nation is being invaded by illegal aliens, Arizona's LD6 needs a strong border-security senator representing them. Colonel Rogers will fight for conservative principles and ideals. Her military background and small business background are important - especially when contrasting her with the Democrats. I also appreciate that she isn't backed by the swamp and the political handlers, something Trump voters would appreciate. Please, everyone, get behind Wendy Rogers to win this."


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Sheriff Joe knows what is at stake. He has seen it firsthand. If Arizona flips blue, not only will the Democrats push a domestic agenda that threatens freedom and liberty, but President Trump could lose his election – and then we lose the Supreme Court and the US Senate. There will be national consequences if we fail to deliver victory next November.

But with the generous support of men and women just like you

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, our campaign is fully equipped for battle. I am a seasoned candidate who has taken on the most powerful elements of the Democrat party and therefore our campaign is best positioned to defend this Senate seat next November.

Please, consider rushing back a contribution of $15, $35, $60, $100, $250

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or whatever you can afford right now to help us reach our critical end of month fundraising goal to win this battle for Arizona.

I look forward to delivering victory for you, President Donald J. Trump, and for the good people of Arizona.

Arizona First,


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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)

Republican Candidate for Arizona Senate

Pro-Constitution, Conservative, Tough on Illegal Immigration

Arizona's 6th Legislative District


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P.S. I am in the fight for the Republican, but a contribution of $15, $60, $250 or more right now will make such a huge difference to me.

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Please contribute. Thank you.


2700 S. Woodlands Village Blvd, Ste 300-242
Flagstaff AZ 86001

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