Details on our final seminar for April

Dear John,

Thank you to all those who've been tuning in to our April seminar series! If you'd like to watch them again or share, you can find each recording on our YouTube channel.

Please join NhRP staff for our final April seminar. The team will be answering questions submitted by you, our supporters, about the work we're doing to create a more just world for all.

Please join us on April 29th at 11 a.m. PT/2 p.m. ET using the details below:

Join our Zoom Meeting here.

Meeting ID: 451 958 846

Please note: spots for these seminars are limited and are first come, first served with no pre-registration. We'll send out the recording to everyone afterwards via email so that you can listen again and share.

Please email your questions to [email protected]. We hope you have enjoyed these seminars and are planning more for the upcoming months. If there is a topic you are interested in us covering, please let us know! 

We look forward to seeing you there!

With gratitude,
Mickey Suzuki
Development Director, the NhRP

Working for the recognition and protection of fundamental rights for nonhuman animals.

The Nonhuman Rights Project
5195 NW 112th Terrace
Coral Springs, FL 33076
United States

[email protected]

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