I’m emailing about two things: To follow up on Maura’s note about the budget last night and to let you know that tonight at midnight is our July fundraising reporting deadline.

First off, if you believe in the work that Maura is doing to make Massachusetts stronger, please donate below to help us hit our July goal. If you click on the thermometer, you can see it update in real time as we close in on our goal!

Secondly, last night Maura sent out a note about her new budget that she signed yesterday. I wanted to send out some highlights in case you missed it.

Her new budget makes history.

In a country that is so divided, it’s powerful to see a Governor bring people together and deliver. 

With Maura’s leadership, you can be certain that Massachusetts will continue to lead America. 

To help show her that she has our support, chip in below to help us hit our July grassroots fundraising goal.



Thank you,


-Tara Healey