When the truth doesn't deliver justice, we turn to our resilience to defy the systems before us
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A reel of six images taken at The Policy Exchange Action on Monday 29th July where seven arrests were made

Hi John,

What happens when oligarchs feel threatened? They clutch at straws to silence you. They use wealth to gain power and their greed will abuse anything in their way. Well, Extinction Rebellion's power is fuelled by love and rage. No-one can buy our silence. It's priceless!

Yesterday, because rebels exposed 'The Policy Exchange' at its jugular seven rebels were arrested. Of course, this is in keeping with the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act in (2022) they drafted... 🤔


Yes, this 'think tank' with charity status is actually a lobby group. It's funded by fossil fuel companies to spread climate denial rhetoric and influence tools that aim to oppress climate activists, disable movements and intimidate bystanders.

We need you. Our three-day occupation at Windsor is just four weeks away. Our systems are broken and we will demand an upgrade to democracy. Your support today will help us to: 


💥 mobilise and achieve the tipping point urgently needed

🔊 amplify the truth

🗣 host the UK's largest massembly on the climate crisis


The corruption in this country is unravelling. We will use your money to expose the whole truth. We cannot stop.

Love and Rage

XR UK Fundraising Team 


Image Credits: Gareth Morris


Volunteer for a role at Upgrade Democracy

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