JULY 2024
Early Childhood Development Is Not Apolitical—So How Does Ideology Affect Young Children?
Social Justice for Young Children Conversation Series Blog

Ideologies provide cultural stories that affect young children's understanding of their place in society. These narratives influence the learning environments of our youth, sometimes validating certain groups while marginalizing others.

The Foundation for Child Development's latest blog post, Early Childhood Development Is Not Apolitical—So How Does Ideology Affect Young Children? is strikingly relevant to the current socio-political climate. This Social Justice for Young Children Conversation Series piece explores the often-overlooked impact of political ideologies on young children’s development. It is co-authored by Dr. Hirokazu Yoshikawa, professor at New York University and co-director of its Global TIES for Children Center, and Dr. Andrew Nalani, assistant professor at Vanderbilt University.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Political Ideologies as Macro Influences: Political ideologies affect family and peer socialization, shaping values and behaviors that can either reduce or perpetuate inequality. While much research has been done on societal forces like racism, the influence of political ideologies on early development is still largely unexplored.
  2. Systemic Inequalities and Civic Participation: There are significant disparities in children's access to political information and opportunities for civic participation. A child-development lens can uncover these inequalities and provide insights into how children might respond to or challenge ideologies that perpetuate inequality.
  3. The Impact of Christian Nationalism: Christian nationalism is highlighted as a current example of a political ideology influencing educational systems and family life. This ideology, which posits that the United States is a Christian nation, impacts policies on race, gender, and sexuality, among others, and shapes the learning environments of young children.
  4. Research and Action Agenda:
    • Understand Ideological Influence: Investigate how political ideologies shape children's civic lives, beliefs, and behaviors.
    • Study Resistance: Examine how communities and social movements resist ideologies that increase inequality and support young children's agency in these efforts.

By understanding and addressing the role of ideology in early childhood development, we can contribute to a more equitable and thriving society for all young children.

Read the Full Blog Post
FCD's Social Justice for
Young Children Conversation Series
In September 2023, the Foundation launched this Conversation Series to explore what it means to pursue social justice for young children and their families with advocates, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and funders joining us along this journey. Recent Conversation Series features uncover powerful synergies for supporting young children to reach their full potential and propose solutions for pressing issues such as:

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