And there’s more where that came from -- Loeffler plans to spend a total of $20 million on her campaign.
Georgia Senate: Loeffler ends quarter with $6m in campaign account.


Unelected Senator Kelly Loeffler closed out the quarter with $6 million in her campaign account, but $5 million of that was from a check she wrote to her own campaign. And there’s more where that came from -- Loeffler plans to spend a total of $20 million on her campaign.

Kelly Loeffler may be the wealthiest member of Congress, but that doesn’t give her a free pass to buy Georgia’s Senate seat. This election belongs to the people of Georgia. And that’s exactly why I’ve made it a point to make my campaign people-focused and people-powered from the start.

Since I’m not self-funding my campaign like my opponent, I’m relying on the support of this grassroots team to power our movement. Right now, we need to step up our fundraising to keep up with Loeffler’s millions -- Will you chip in $5, $30, $100, or whatever you can, so we can send Loeffler packing in November?

We are living in unprecedented and challenging times, where good, moral leadership is needed more than ever before. Unfortunately, Kelly Loeffler has shown Georgians that she will put her own pocketbook before the health and safety of her constituents: she sold off millions in stock after a private Senators-only briefing on the coronavirus. All the while, she downplayed the severity of the coronavirus.

Georgians deserve better. And Georgians deserve for their voice to be fully heard this November. That’s why we need to rally together to build a strong grassroots team that can take on Loeffler and her millions.

I’m the Democratic frontrunner in this race, and I’m ready to fight for YOU. Will you chip in right now to make sure this Senate seat isn’t bought by a mega-millionaire Republican?

Thank you,




Matt Lieberman
Matt Lieberman is running for the U.S. Senate to change a broken Washington and get things done for the people of Georgia. Chip in now to help us win in Georgia, flip the Senate, and build a better future for our families.

Matt Lieberman for Senate
800 Battery Ave SE, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30339
United States