It is simple: these programs protect the health and well-being of millions and our economic security.

Today marks the 59th anniversary of the establishment of Medicare and Medicaid.

Despite decades of American families relying on Medicare and Medicaid for literally life-saving care, my Republican colleagues in Congress consistently release budgets and introduce legislation that undermine these critical programs.

As a long-time advocate for strengthening Social Security and Medicare, I worry about what their proposals would do to the millions of Americans who rely on these programs — especially our seniors. Social Security and Medicare have served as lifelines, providing essential coverage and financial stability to our aging population, folks with disabilities, and lower-income families for decades. These programs demonstrate our shared commitment to ensuring a dignified life for all, regardless of socioeconomic status.

When it comes to health care, I believe that access to high-quality, affordable care that fits Northwest Washington families' budgets is a right. And for so many of our most vulnerable, that means utilizing Medicare. That is why I voted to:

  • Reduce prescription drug costs by letting Medicare negotiate drug prices;
  • Impose a tax penalty if drug companies increase their prices faster than inflation;
  • Cap the price of insulin at $35 per month;
  • Close a longstanding coverage gap in Medicaid that locks 4 million people out nationwide;
  • Expand Medicare to cover hearing benefits;
  • Lower out-of-pocket costs for Medicare Part D beneficiaries;
  • Prevent the privatization of Medicare and ensure stricter accountability for private Medicare Advantage plans

These are common-sense solutions that benefit everyone.

Help me stand up for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security in Congress by making a contribution to my re-election campaign.

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Undermining these programs would leave vulnerable populations with an uncertain future. Together, we can stop this from becoming a reality.


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