McConnell could lose. A recent poll shows a 1-point race.

A recent poll shows a 1-point race in Kentucky.

Donate to McConnell's opponent to DEFEAT him in 2020.

Bloomberg News headline: McConnell Says He Favors Letting States Declare Bankruptcy

In 2012, Barack Obama won in part by holding Mitt Romney accountable for his oped saying, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt."

Mitch McConnell just repeated Romney's mistake on a huge scale, saying that cities and states should go bankrupt rather than get assistance from the federal government.

Defeating this evil man in 2020 is imperative -- and possible. One of McConnell's opponents in Kentucky's U.S. Senate race just out-fundraised him. And a recent poll shows a 1-point race.

Can you donate $3 to the KY-Sen 2020 Democratic Nominee Fund and our work to take back the Senate?

Donations to the fund go to the winner of Kentucky's primary to defeat McConnell and ensure they start the general election campaign from a position of power.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Elections Team

















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