April 24, 2020
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Bonnie Chernin
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April 24, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

April 24, 2020
LLOYD MARCUS ? Democrats and fake news media hate Trump and believe no price is too high to remove him from the White House. They plan to keep filling Americans with bogus fear about the coronavirus to keep the country shut down all the way to the November election. They do not give a rat's derriere about the shutdown causing 22 million people -- and climbing -- to lose their jobs. Suicides are skyrocketing, lives are destroyed, and fortunes are being lost.... (more)

April 24, 2020
CHERIE ZASLAWSKY ? On March 16th of this year, I went to bed in America as usual, but woke up in Venezuela. I didn't know it over breakfast, however. It didn't dawn on me until a few hours later, after I had reached the paper goods aisle at our local Target store, when I encountered two long rows of empty shelves where the toilet paper used to be stacked.... (more)

April 23, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? "With Crisis Comes Opportunity" is how the organization Voices for the Earth Summit sees the death and destruction from the coronavirus. "This global pandemic is one of the greatest tragedies of our time, but it is also revealing opportunities that have not been so clearly seen before," it says. "We are awakening to the fact that our current systems are not working, they are failing both humanity and the planet."... (more)

April 23, 2020
NEWSMAX ? President Donald Trump blasted the Washington Post for refusing to alter its headline he said took Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield's words out of context. "I do want to mention a man who's done a very good job for us, Dr. Robert Redfield was misquoted in the media on a statement about the fall season and the virus," Trump told reporters at the beginning of an explosive coronavirus task force briefing Wednesday.... (more)

April 23, 2020
Site suspected of being source of coronavirus pandemic
WORLDNETDAILY ? Some of the research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is considered the possible source of the coronavirus outbreak, was funded by a grant from the U.S. government while Barack Obama was president. The lab received grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health totaling $7.1 million, according to public documents compiled by the White Coat Waste Project and shared with London's The Mail on Sunday.... (more)

April 23, 2020
YOUTUBE ? A new study released on hydroxychloroquine for use on COVID-19 patients is shockingly irresponsible and, as top virologists are saying, perhaps even agenda-driven.... (more)

April 23, 2020
IAMTV ? On his IAMtv show "Let's Talk America," Dr. Alan Keyes discusses the merits of hydroxychloroquine with the "Health Ranger," Mike Adams, and with biophysicist Andreas Kalcker... (more)

April 23, 2020
YOUTUBE ? President Trump announces 60-day immigration 'pause'; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'... (more)

April 23, 2020
REAL CLEAR POLITICS ? Almost any list of top newsmaking and colorful political personalities in recent U.S. history would include Roger Stone. An unconventional Republican operative since the 1970s, Stone hit the apex of his flamboyant career in 2016 with the election of his longtime friend and former client Donald Trump.... (more)

April 23, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Chick-fil-A is bringing a large order of extra support for the communities where its restaurants are located. The fast food chain announced this week that it is putting up a $10.8 million fund to be distributed via its more than 1,800 stores.... (more)

April 21, 2020
'Dangerous' for parents to educate their own kids, since the children will be deprived of 'ideas and values central to our democracy'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The estimated 56 million American children who are being homeschooled because of coronavirus-pandemic lockdowns is a growing catastrophe in the mind of Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Bartholet and other educators. In an article for Harvard Magazine headlined "The Risks of Homeschooling," Bartholet urged the government to step in to protect children from their own parents, reports PJ Media columnist Paula Bolyard.... (more)

April 21, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? Among the TV shows I gravitate to with my husband Steve, a former athlete, are live baseball, basketball, and football games, historical documentaries, and both true crime shows and crime dramas like Law & Order, Forensic Files, Chicago PD, and Blue Bloods—all studies in the greatest mystery of all time, human behavior.... (more)

April 21, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? In cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN agency that paved the way for the coronavirus global pandemic, a group calling itself Global Citizen sponsored a bizarre "international broadcast" on Saturday in collaboration with singer Lady Gaga that featured "the world's leading musicians, comedians and humanitarians." This was a classic case of misdirection away from the main source of the problem -- the United Nations, which backed Communist China's brutal forced abortion policies before its World Health Organization repeated Chinese propaganda about the coronavirus not being transmissible between people.... (more)

April 20, 2020
MARK SHEPARD ? Schools are closed, children are home, and parents are confronted with how best to help their children continue their education at home, where parents are more clearly seeing and evaluating the ideas that are shaping their child's thinking and worldview. Indeed, every schooling option is a form of discipleship (training to think from a particular perspective), and everyday disciples are being made. What type of disciple is your child's school aiming to produce?... (more)

April 20, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Home school advocates say the forced shutdown of nearly the nation's entire public school system has created a unique opportunity for parents to weigh the benefits of joining the millions of American students already doing their learning at home.... (more)

April 20, 2020
FREEDOM PROJECT (NEWMAN REPORT) ? Perhaps worried about a stampede for the exits, government education officials from Oregon to Florida are trying to prevent parents from withdrawing their children from public school and formally beginning homeschooling. Pro-homeschool forces are fighting back, however.... (more)

April 20, 2020
CHRISTIAN POST ? In an interview with Pastor Jack Graham of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Texas on his faith and response to the COVID-19 disease, Gov. Greg Abbott told the viewers they have "support you can lean on that will always be there for you, and that's Jesus Christ."... (more)

April 20, 2020
CHERYL K. CHUMLEY ? Communist-minded community organizer Saul Alinsky, in his prologue to "Rules for Radicals," explained that the most effective activists were those who worked within the established "system," not against it, so as to stir the revolutionary pots of change through fear.... (more)

April 20, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Eleven members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus are calling for President Donald Trump to swiftly reopen the country over concerns the stay-at-home orders could be catastrophic for small businesses, reports The Hill.... (more)

April 19, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The mortality rate of COVID-19 patients who have been put on ventilators is a staggering 60-80%. According to experts, high-pressure ventilation to treat complications caused by the disease can be damaging to the lungs. In X-rays, you can see the lungs of COVID-19 patients deteriorate after the procedure. So, what's going wrong?... (more)

April 19, 2020
Facebook pushing fake news put out by WHO, protecting Chinese Communist Party
THE EPOCH TIMES ? The Epoch Times published an investigative documentary looking into the origins of the new coronavirus, the CCP Virus, on April 7. The video rapidly went viral on multiple platforms, with more than 70 million views. Then Facebook flagged the video as "False," and sent alerts to people who shared the video, alleging they had shared false information.... (more)

April 19, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? All the usual suspects are condemning President Trump for suspending US funding for the World Health Organization, but it was clearly the right call. WHO's mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic needs confronting before it does more damage.... (more)

April 18, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? As the president of the United States shelters in place with the White House press corps, and Joe Biden gibbers senselessly into the GoPro camera in his Delaware basement, this fall's national election has been thrown into a cocked tricorn by the coronavirus. Many of Donald Trump's retail-politicking strengths -- the huge rallies, his command of crowds -- have been neutralized, and while he still has control of the narrative from his bully pulpit in the West Wing, the national media remains dead set against him, and puts the worst possible spin on every word he speaks.... (more)

April 18, 2020
YOUTUBE ? The Senator and Michael sit down to discuss a shocking new revelation about the Wuhan Institute of Virology and how to restart the American economy.... (more)

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