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Angus King

John: here at Team King HQ, we’re used to fielding a lot of questions.

From “How can I get a yard sign?” to “How long are these tourists sticking around?” — we’ve heard it all! But fundraising comes with its own unique set of questions, and we get it — asking for donations is not something that we take lightly.

Our solution? We’re answering the most frequently asked fundraising questions just for you, John!

(If you already know that you’d like to support Angus ahead of his July fundraising deadline tomorrow, you can chip in here. If you want to know more, keep reading!)

Fundraising FAQ

Why Angus King?
Angus has been fighting for Maine people for a long time, John. As an Independent in the U.S. Senate, he wakes up every day eager to bridge the divide of partisanship and create sensible solutions not just for Maine but for all Americans. Even $10 would go a long way in helping him win his re-election campaign.
You’ve asked for money before, why should I donate today?
Right now, our country is in a crisis. Partisanship and division is at an all time high. It’s important that we re-elect Angus — a true Independent — to the Senate so that he can keep finding common ground and addressing the challenges we’re facing. Will you help him keep up the fight with a donation of just $10 right now?
Where is my money going?
We’re trying to reach voters, John. It’s that simple. Your dollars will go towards purchasing yard signs, door-knocking pamphlets, and paying our hard-working staff — all so we can talk to as many Maine people as possible. Want to help us? Pitch in here.


So John, if that all sounds good to you, can you do us a favor? Can you donate $10 or $25 ahead of our deadline tomorrow? We’re counting on your donation to help Angus continue to take Maine values to Congress!


If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading. You’re a real one.

—Team King HQ

P.S. Have your own questions about fundraising, finances, or otherwise? Drop us a line by responding to this email and we might just include your question in our next FAQ email!

There is nothing more important to Senator King than doing right by the people of Maine. This means fighting on their behalf for the issues that matter most, whether that’s health care, national security, veterans, education, economic certainty, the environment or job creation. Throughout his decades of public service, he has worked tirelessly to build relationships and improve opportunities for all Maine people, from Kittery to Fort Kent.

Paid for by Angus King for U.S. Senate Campaign

Angus King for U.S. Senate Campaign
PO Box 368
Brunswick, ME 04011
United States

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