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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 24 April


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Health secretary thanks Muslims for staying at home during Ramadan

Health secretary Matt Hancock has thanked Muslims across the UK for their "sacrifice" as they mark Ramadan amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Belfast Telegraph


Jewish Chronicle saved by consortium after messy takeover battle

The Jewish Chronicle has been sold to a consortium fronted by Theresa May's former director of communications, saving the historic newspaper following a brief but messy takeover battle.

The Guardian


‘As the world looks for coronavirus scapegoats, Muslims are blamed in India’

Some reactions to the pandemic are bringing out one of the oldest — and ugliest — human impulses: the desire to blame calamity on those who are different.

The Washington Post (£)


Women resist Poland’s attempt to restrict abortion rights

Campaigners and academics say the country's ruling party is using the current pandemic to restrict women's reproductive rights and continue chipping away at democracy.



Christian group says coronavirus restrictions on religious freedom mustn’t endure

The campaign group, which supports persecuted Christians, is concerned that legitimate restrictions on assembly will remain in place even once the pandemic has started to recede.

Christian Today


From the blogs


‘The fine line between criticising Islam and demonising Muslims’

It is possible to attack Islam, the religion, the scripture, the culture surrounding it, and the actions of some Muslims without being bigoted and unfairly throwing the rest of them under the bus, argues Abdullah Sameer.



Latest from the NSS


NSS launches lecture series on history of secularism

An NSS series of lectures on the history of secularism will air during the current period of lockdown and social distancing.


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