Dear Friend,
This Thursday, August 1st, His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, will be
offering the Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass privately, and the Holy
Rosary – joining all the Rosary Warriors around the world, united in
prayer, knocking on heaven’s door.
Have you submitted your intentions that His Eminence will
include in the Holy Mass and Rosary on this coming Thursday? Everyone
should include the intention: “in reparation to the Sacred Heart of
Jesus for the blasphemies committed at the opening ceremony of the
Please keep in mind the
two upcoming events taking place at the Shrine of Our
Lady of Guadalupe, in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Both of the following events are open to
the public if you are able to attend:
~ Wednesday, July 31: Raymond
Cardinal Burke will be the main celebrant for the Sixteenth
Anniversary of the Shrine’s Dedication Holy Mass at 12:15 PM Central
~ Monday, August 5: His Eminence,
Cardinal Burke will offer a Solemn Pontifical Mass in the Usus
Antiquior at 11:00 AM Central Time. This date is the patronal feast
day of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome. In 2011 Pope Benedict
the XVI affiliated the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe with the Papal
Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore (Saint Mary Major) in Rome. On August
5, pilgrims have the occasion to gain a Plenary Indulgence. A
livestream link will be emailed at the beginning of
What Cardinal Burke said in a
homily on the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe is very relevant
after the outrageous blasphemy committed last Friday. His Eminence
nailed it, on what we, as faithful Catholics, should do:
“Our Lord sent Our Lady to show the
way to order and peace in our personal lives and in society, namely,
“Through her apparitions and her
abiding presence on the miraculous tilma of St. Juan Diego, Our Lady
of Guadalupe showed the bishop and the whole Church that
the way to overcome evil and to spread goodness is
teaching the truth, praying at all times and offering all our love to
God in sacred worship, and practicing the truth in love”
“The Church in our time faces
similar seemingly impossible challenges. Human life itself, marriage
and the family, and the practice of the faith are all under constant
attack from a culture which refuses to recognize God and to submit in
obedience to his commandments.”
“Our Lord wants all of us to share
in the banquet of divine grace, but we cannot do so unless our hearts,
one with the immaculate heart of Mary, rest in his most Sacred Heart,
unless we allow ourselves to be clothed with him in our daily
“The program leading to freedom and
happiness is, for each of us, holiness of life in accord with our
state in life and the particular gifts with which God has endowed
Therefore, take the time now
to present your new
or updated intentions and
prayer requests for Operation Storm Heaven before the
1st of August.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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