Support Amazon Workers!

🗓 What's Going On this Week? 🗓

Want to get more involved? Attend a committee meeting or upcoming event!

🌹 = Great for First-Timers!


 🎨 Logo Redesign Contest! 🎨

Are you an ATLDSA member who wishes our chapter had a neater logo? We want to see your ideas! Submit your logo designs by September 23, 2024. Upload your design and tell us why you think this should be our chapter's new logo.
How will the logo be chosen? We'll vote on the best design amongst the logo finalists at the September General Meeting! Once we've decided we can print shirts, buttons, stickers, and more.

☎️ Weekly Socialist Slate Phonebanks ☎️

This November, Atlanta DSA is putting forward a slate of Democratic Socialist candidates fighting for an Atlanta by and for the many, not the few. Join us for a weekly phonebank in support of our endorsed candidates Gabriel Sanchez and Devin Barrington-Ward! We'll be reaching out to volunteers and voters about our campaigns. Join us in person or on Zoom!


🚪Knock Doors for Sanchez! 🚪

Join the Sanchez Campaign this Saturday August 3rd from 10AM-1PM for a neighborhood canvass! Help the campaign knock doors to get out the vote for the General Election. Meet us at Jonquil Park, and grab tacos at Taco Cantina for lunch! 🌮


Disillusioned with the status quo? The campaign will be canvassing every Saturday going forward. Organize to win a better Georgia!


✊ Organize Amazon! ✊

Help us build the labor movement!
Amazon is going above and beyond to harass, intimidate, and misclassify workers! While the company rakes in billions in profits, Amazon workers are fighting for scraps. All workers deserve a union — we stand with Amazon Teamsters fighting for a seat at the table and respect on the job! 📦🌹

📝 Labor Survey 📝

Help us build the labor movement!
We can't build the labor movement without your help! Fill out our 2024 Labor Survey to tell us about yourself, your workplace, and the ways you'd like to help get involved in Labor Committee work. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and all information you enter is confidential.

Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few