The FSF tech team facilitating streaming and recording during LibrePlanet 2020style>
Looking for entertaining and educational advocacy materials to point
people to while explaining the importance of free software for a
free society? The recordings and slides from LibrePlanet 2020: Free
the Future sessions are now available online! What's more, we've
taken the time since the conference to smooth over some glitches or
small gaps you may have experienced while watching the conference
You can now watch Saturday's opening keynote featuring Free
Software Foundation (FSF) campaigns manager Greg Farough in
conversation with three young hackers: Alyssa Rosenzweig, Taowa,
and Erin Moon. You can also view the Sunday keynotes by Public
Lab founder and fellow with the Shuttleworth Foundation Shannon
Dosemagen, and Internet Archive founder and Internet Hall of Famer
Brewster Kahle. We hope these recordings can provide inspiration
and knowledge that will be useful both now and in the years ahead.
Video of thirty more sessions from the successful first online
edition of LibrePlanet can be found in the conference's video
library. And of course, the story doesn't end there. The
LibrePlanet archives have hours of additional talks, keynote sessions,
and presentations from past years of the conference. You can spend
hours there diving deep into the wide range of free software
activists, experts, and entrepreneurs who have shared their knowledge
with the LibrePlanet audience over time, and endlessly expand your
free software knowledge.
Volunteer Sara Kimmich streamlining the talks and facilitating questions at LibrePlanet 2020style>
We're still working on the audio streams for the talks, which, by
popular demand, for the first time, will be uploaded in conjunction with an RSS feed you can use to discover talks or catch the ones you missed in your
favorite podcasting app or general purpose RSS reader.
We publish our recordings on the MediaGoblin platform so you can
watch them without proprietary software, which means we do not have
access to the built-in promotion available on the more popular nonfree
platforms. So if you want to make a small contribution to a world
where we don't have to use proprietary software to watch videos
online, please share the LibrePlanet recordings today.
Finally, we want to give another heartfelt thanks to all the
volunteers and speakers who worked hard to have all the sessions run
smoothly. You are LibrePlanet's future!